‘Blood cleaning’ trend in Europe to avoid corona: Sun awakens appetite in men – not in women, ‘Marburg virus’ spread in Africa, read Healthbrief

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  • Women
  • ‘Marburg Virus’ Spread In Africa, Sunlight Increases Appetite Of Men, Read Healthbrief

New Delhi10 hours ago

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To help you take better care of yourself and your family’s health, we have come up with ‘Weekly Health Brief’. In this you will get major health updates, important research related data and relevant advice from doctors. By reading this in just 2 minutes, you will get important information related to health and you will be able to take better care of the family.

1. Kovid vaccine is increasing period bleeding, menstruation occurs even after menopause

A new information has emerged regarding the side effects of the Kovid vaccine. A research published in the ‘Science Advances Journal’ states that after taking both doses of the vaccine, 42% of women started bleeding more than before. Also, many women have seen bleeding problems even after menopause. In this research, the periods of about 40 thousand women were studied for three months. During this, along with excessive bleeding, the problem of cycle deterioration was also seen in them.

2. Now ‘Marburg virus’ spread in Africa, every other patient dies, there is no treatment

After Kovid, now the threat of a new virus is looming. Two patients of the dreaded Marburg virus have been found in the African country of Ghana. Both patients have died. After which the WHO expressed concern about this virus and assured the local administration of help to stop it. According to experts, ‘Marburg’ is a virus of the Ebola family. Its first case was reported in Germany in 1967. Every other patient infected with this dies. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and blood in the stool. There is currently no cure or vaccine available for this virus.

3. Sun increases the appetite of men, does not affect women

Sunlight is considered a source of vitamin D. Now in a new research it has been found that it also increases appetite. But sunlight only increases the appetite of men, women are unaffected by it. This research, published in the journal ‘Nature Metabolism’, states that sunlight increases such hormones in the body that cause hunger. Due to which men who stay in the sun for a long time start eating more food.

4. People are ‘washing their blood’ due to fear of Kovid, the doctor said – nothing is known about the benefits

People struggling with long covid symptoms are adopting strange measures to get rid of it. Hundreds of such patients in Europe are undergoing treatment for blood wash and thinning. They believe that by doing this the Kovid symptoms can be cured. However, experts say that not much research has been done about this yet. Therefore, nothing can be said about the benefits of such treatments right now. Despite this, some patients are doing ‘blood cleaning’ by investing their entire deposits.

5. Women with less money are more prone to heart attack, claims research

A joint research by the University of Vienna and IIASA has found that poor women in Europe have a higher risk of heart attack than rich women. The researchers looked at the socio-economic background of 1,481 heart patients admitted to hospitals in Vienna over the past 18 years. In which it was found that rich women get heart attack on average at the age of 70 years. Whereas in women with less money, this average is 64 years old. Experts believe that balanced diet, regular check-up and better health facilities available to the rich are the reason for this difference.

6. As you feed the food, so will the child’s mind

The food fed to a child contributes significantly to the development of his emotions. A research from the University of Southern California in the US found that the food of the child determines his feelings. Researchers found that children who ate more calories and junk food had more negative feelings. Whereas children of the same age who had a balanced diet; His feelings were more positive. Researchers came to the conclusion that the food given to a child is very important in the development of their personality.

7. High blood pressure will be reduced by drinking water, crores of patients will benefit

In today’s time, the problem of high blood pressure is all over the world due to irregular routine and diet. According to one figure, more than a third of the youth of the country are suffering from high blood pressure. But now doctors say that high blood pressure can be controlled even by drinking plenty of water. According to a report in ‘The Mirror’, 8 glasses i.e. 2 liters of water a day can control blood pressure. In this, doctors have been told that by drinking more water, sodium gets out of the body through urine. Staying in the body, sodium increases blood pressure.

8. Polio virus found in America, included in the list of countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan

Ten years after being declared polio-free, a polio patient has been found in the US. The virus has been confirmed in a 20-year-old young man from New York. After getting a polio patient, America has joined the list of three countries in the world, which have not yet become polio free. Till now only Pakistan and Afghanistan were included in this list. Let us tell you that the polio virus, which had once taken the form of a worldwide epidemic, is now almost over. India has also been declared polio free.

9. Do not ignore the common cold in summer

Let us associate the cold with the winter season. but it’s not like that. Cough and cold can happen in any season. The main reason for this is virus. People often ignore the cough and cold that occur in summer. Due to which the virus can cause a lot of damage to the body. To avoid this, doctors recommend taking care of cleanliness. If you still get cold and cold during the summer season, then do not ignore it. Seek doctor’s advice immediately.

10. Migraine medicine will reduce weight, claims American doctor

A team of doctors in the US has claimed that migraine medicine can prove to be helpful in weight loss. Researchers at the Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute found that migraine drugs reduce hunger hormones in the body. Due to which a person feels less hungry and his weight goes on decreasing with time.

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