BJP MP scolds woman for not wearing bindi: Muniswamy said – First put bindi, is your husband alive? you don’t have common sense

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  • Muniswamy Said First Put A Dot, Is Your Husband Alive? You Don’t Have Common Sense

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BJP MP from Karnataka’s Kolar M Muniswamy reprimanded a woman shopkeeper for not wearing bindi. The video of this incident is now quite viral on social media. In fact, Muniswami had come to inaugurate the exhibition at Channaiha temple in Kolar district on the occasion of Women’s Day. After inaugurating he stopped at a stall where a woman was selling clothes. The lady shopkeeper did not wear bindi.

The MP got angry on this and reprimanded the woman shopkeeper. The MP said, ‘First put a dot, your husband is alive, isn’t he? You do not have any common sense.

While reprimanding the woman, MP Muniswamy said that someone should give bindi to the woman.

While reprimanding the woman, MP Muniswamy said that someone should give bindi to the woman.

Congress bid-BJP’s culture
The Congress condemned the incident and said that such incidents reflect the culture of the BJP. Senior Congress leader and MP Karti P Chidambaram said on the viral video that, ‘BJP will turn India into Hindutva Iran’. Chidambaram said, BJP’s Ayatollahs will have their own version of Moral Police patrolling the streets.

The minister reprimanded the farmer
In Karnataka itself in April 2021, the state Food and Civil Supplies Minister Umesh Katti reprimanded a farmer asking about a cut in rice allocation from the PDS. The farmer had asked whether he would have to ‘starve or die’ till central help arrived? To this the minister had said, “It is better to die. That is why we have stopped giving ration. Please don’t call me.”

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