Bihar’s education minister said – Garbage in Ramcharit Manas, cleanliness is necessary: ​​JDU MLA told cheap publicity, said – if you have guts, question other religions

Patna5 hours ago

Bihar’s Education Minister Dr. Chandrashekhar has once again raised questions on Ramcharit Manas. He said outside the assembly during the budget session – I stand by my old statement. There is some garbage in Ramcharit Manas, which needs to be cleaned. He has raised a question on another chaupai of Ramcharit Manas.

Even before this, Dr. Chandrashekhar had described Manu Smriti and Ramcharit Manas as books that spread hatred in the society. He said- Ramcharit Manas prevents dalits-backwards and women from studying in the society. After this statement, politics from Bihar to Uttar Pradesh has heated up. Only the JDU, which is part of the Grand Alliance, is opposing the statement of the Education Minister. JDU has called the latest statement of the Education Minister as cheap publicity. Said that if they have guts then they should raise questions on other religions.

said – will continue to raise questions

The Education Minister said that there are many such couplets in this book, on which he will continue to raise questions even further. When the reporter questioned about Ramcharit Manas being called garbage, he said that I did not say this, Dr. Lohia said this. I am repeating his words.

He said that no one in the assembly has the courage to question my statement. Even today I am saying that Shudras were insulted in Ramcharit Manas. I read from the point of view of Lohia and Ambedkar. Today’s Shudra is educated. He cannot be fooled.

Chandrasekhar also raised questions on the second couplet of Ramcharit Manas

Sapat Taadat Purush Kahanta. Bipra pujya as gavahi santa |

Worship Bipra Seal Gun Heena. Sudra na gun gun gyan prabina ||

The education minister took out his mobile and read this chapai and on the contrary asked the journalists what they have to say on this? If chastisement means education then why it was not changed everywhere. Only one place has been plastered.

JDU MLA said – no one can raise questions

After the statement of Education Minister Chandrashekhar, JDU MLA Dr. Sanjeev protested. He said that he is giving statement for cheap publicity. They need treatment. No one can question Ramcharit Manas. If you have the courage, then walk on the road and make statements about other religions. It is the greatness of Hinduism that he is still making such statements.

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