Bigg Boss 16’s youngest contestant and TV show ‘Imlie’ actress Sumbul Touqeer Khan has purchased a new house in Mumbai. The actress has been ruling the headlines for her new OTT show ‘Dear Ishq’ and has now added another golden feather to her hat. Sumbul shared a video informing her fans about her new house and also asked for suggestions on the decoration and interiors. In the video, Sumbul can be seen showing her flat and saying that the construction work of her house is still going on. She also asked her fans for their ideas so that she can design her flat more beautifully.
While introducing her architect Radhika in the video, she wrote in the caption: “Naya Ghar (new house), work in progress, must give your views.” Her architect also mentioned: “So I am grateful and blessed to announce that I am designing a house for my FavA@sumbul_touqeer. Thanks to God and My family for supporting me throughout. To All the Sumbul fans please share your ideas, i will try to incorporate them as per my design”
Post Sumbul’s video, many of her industry friends and fans congratulated her.
Meanwhile, Sumbul is set to join the upcoming web show ‘Dear Ishq’. She will be seen essaying the role of an influencer, who plans to promote Rizwan’s (Kunal Verma) book and compete with Abhimanyu (Sehban Azim).
Talking about the show, Sumbul Touqeer said, “I am a fan of fiction shows and this is my first appearance after ‘Big Boss’ where audiences will see me as an actor and not as myself. I am equally excited and nervous about the role. I want to put my best foot forward. Moreover, it is challenging as audiences have been used to seeing me as Sumbul and not as an actor.”
The show is a web adaptation of Ravinder Singh’s book titled ‘Write Me A Love Story’ and it is a story of two individuals who are completely opposite personalities but gradually they develop a liking for each other.
“I have worked with Atif sir previously and am thoroughly excited to be on his set. I feel very comfortable around him and deeply respect and admire him. I’ve met Niyati and she is really sweet and fun to be around. I am looking forward to audience reactions and hope they enjoy seeing me in a different avatar,” she added.
(With IANS inputs)