Big statement of Sangh chief: Bhagwat said – History of Gyanvapi cannot be changed, but why to see Shivling in a mosque everyday, why to increase quarrel

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  • Mohan Bhagwat’s Big Statement On Gyanvapi: Why Increase Temple mosque Dispute, Gyanvapi Has A History Which We Cannot Change

Nagpura few moments ago

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The Sangh chief was speaking at the concluding ceremony of the third year of the RSS, Sangh Shiksha Varg.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat’s big statement has come to the fore on the Gyanvapi controversy. Speaking at an RSS event in Nagpur on Thursday evening, Bhagwat said, “Gyanvapi has a history which we cannot change.

Today’s Hindus and Muslims have not made it. Why see Shivling in a mosque everyday? Why escalate the fight? That too is a worship which he has adopted. They are Muslims here. Bhagwat further said – She has certainly come from outside, but that too is a worship system, and the ancestors of all those who have adopted it are also our sages and Kshatriyas.

India does not believe in any one worship and language.
The Sangh chief was speaking at the concluding ceremony of the third year of the RSS, Sangh Shiksha Varg. During this, he said that India does not believe in any one worship and one language because we are descendants of common ancestor. When Islam came to India through invaders, thousands of temples were demolished to lower the morale of the people who wanted India’s independence. Hindu does not think against Muslims but feels that they should be revived.

The decision given by the court should be obeyed
Bhagwat further said that Muslims should not at all believe that it is against them. It is a good thing, some way should be found out with the consent of such a meeting. But every time there is no way out, then they go to court. Then the decision given by the court should be followed.

In order to deprive them of freedom for a long time, this was done to suppress their composure, so the Hindu feels that it should be revived. Thousands of temples were demolished. But there are some among them in which Hindu society has special reverence.

resolve issues together
The Sangh chief further said, ‘We had said on November 9 itself that we will not do any agitation after Ram temple, but issues arise if we have in mind. If there is something like this, then resolve the issue together.”

Evil people want to conquer the world: Bhagwat
Bhagwat said, ‘Mother India has to be won in the world, because we have to unite everyone and not win. We don’t want to conquer anyone but there are evil people in the world who want to win us over. There should be no fighting amongst themselves. Need love for each other. Diversity should not be viewed as isolation. We should share in each other’s suffering. Diversity is the decoration of unity, not separation.
Shakti becomes a rioter: Bhagwat
On the Russo-Ukraine war, Bhagwat said, ‘Power becomes a riot. We see that the fight is going on. Russia has invaded Ukraine. But no one can stop Russia by going to Ukraine because Russia has the power. On India’s stand, Bhagwat said that India has adopted a balanced role. Didn’t even oppose Russia and didn’t support the fight. If India was powerful enough, it would have stopped the war, but India is not yet powerful enough to stop the war.

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