Bhopal Gas Tragedy – Supreme Court will give verdict on compensation: Government had said – cannot leave the victims in limbo, Dow should give 7800 crore compensation

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  • 1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy | Supreme Court Verdict On Enhanced Compensation

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The Supreme Court is likely to pronounce its verdict on Tuesday on the curative petition of the Center to increase the compensation for the victims of the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy. The hearing in the Supreme Court was completed in January itself on the demand of additional compensation of about 7800 crores from Union Carbide to the victims.

After hearing arguments for 3 days, a 5-judge bench headed by Justice SK Kaul had reserved the verdict on January 12. Keeping its stand, the government had said that the victims cannot be left in the lurch.

The Bhopal gas tragedy took place on the night of 2–3 December 1984. Dead bodies were strewn all around due to the leakage of methyl isocyanate gas from a tank in the Union Carbide factory.

Center had filed a curative petition in 2010
After the gas tragedy, Union Carbide Corporation paid compensation of $470 million to the victims. But the victims appealed to the court demanding more compensation. The Center has sought additional compensation of Rs 7,844 crore from Dow Chemicals to the victims of the 1984 gas tragedy. For this, a curative petition was filed in the Supreme Court in December 2010.

Gas victims had also agitated in Bhopal in December 2022 for adequate compensation.

Gas victims had also agitated in Bhopal in December 2022 for adequate compensation.

Victims claim – death toll is more than 25 thousand
Balakrishna Namdeo, president of the Gas Peedit Pensionbhogi Sangharsh Morcha, pointed out that after stopping the registration of death claims in 1997, the government was telling the Supreme Court that only 5,295 people died in the disaster. Official records show that since 1997 thousands of people have died from diseases caused by the disaster. The real figure of deaths is more than 25 thousand.

According to Rachna Dhingra of Bhopal Group for Information and Action, Union Carbide was aware that the gas leak would cause permanent damage. This thing was also hidden from the government.

Now know what was the Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984

  • The gas tragedy took place on the intervening night of 2-3 December 1984. Tank number 610 at the Union Carbide factory contained the dangerous chemical methyl isocyanide. Water reached the tank. The temperature reached 200 degrees. The safety valve of the tank blew up with the explosion. At that time there was a leakage of 42 tonnes of poisonous gas.
  • Anderson was then the head of Union Carbide. He was arrested four days after the accident, but returned to America after getting bail. Never again came under the clutches of Indian laws. He was declared a fugitive. There were also attempts to extradite him from America. But the attempts failed. Anderson died at the age of 92 on September 29, 2014 in Florida, USA.

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