Bhaskar Research: Girls in the country will not marry less than 21 years old; 67 years ago the minimum age was increased by 4 years, infant mortality rate decreased

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Bhaskar Research Girls In The Country Will Not Marry Below The Age Of 21; 67 Years Ago The Minimum Age Was Increased By 4 Years, Infant Mortality Rate Decreased

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The Union Cabinet has approved a proposal to increase the age of girls for marriage from 18 to 21 years. Earlier, under the Special Marriage Act 1954, the minimum age for marriage of girls was raised from 14 to 18 years. Its effect was that in 1951, the mortality rate per thousand infant in the country was 116, which came down to 35 in 2019-21. Know why this decision is necessary after all…

This has to change… Everyday 1975 newborns are dying in the country.

  • 23.3% of women in the age group of 20-24 years in the country got married below the age of 18 years.
  • 7% of women aged 15-19 years are either pregnant or pregnant.
  • The infant mortality rate is at 35. Four years ago it was up to 41%. (National Family Health Survey 2019-21)
  • There were 721,000 infant deaths in the country in 2018, an average of 1,975 infant deaths per day during this period.
  • Of all the children under the age of 5 in the world, every 5th child dies in India. This shows that the infant mortality rate in India is at an alarming level. (according to UNICEF data)

That’s why it is also necessary so that women get equal rights.

  • The different age of marriage is violative of Article 14 (right to equality) and Article 21 (right to life with dignity).
  • Increasing the age of marriage has a very positive effect on the family, women, children, economic status and social status.
  • Girls should be given sex education along with skill and business training.
  • If the marriage happens late, girls will get higher education and more job opportunities. (The committee made suggestions on the feedback of youth of 16 universities and youth from far-flung areas through 15 NGOs)

This trend in the world… Already the minimum age in China is 20 years, while in America it is only 12, in Pakistan it is 16 years.

  • The minimum age of marriage in the US varies by state. It’s 12 years in Massachusetts. 13 years in New Hampshire, 15 years in Hawaii and Missouri, 16 years in Alabama and Alaska.
  • The youngest age of marriage among European countries is in Estonia (15 years for both).
  • Studies conducted in 25 countries show that 1 out of every 5 women becomes a mother under the age of 18. If there is no child marriage, then the infant mortality rate will come down to 11%.

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