Bhaskar Ground Report: Naga peace agreement on the verge of collapse, separatist organization said – the scope of agreement is over

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  • Nagaland: Separatist Organization Said Scope For Agreement Is Over, Naga Peace Agreement On The Verge Of Breaking, Deadlock Persists

Guwahati42 minutes agoAuthor: Satyanarayan Mishra

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  • The center had given a proposal – will accept the Naga flag as a cultural flag

The deadlock continues over the historic Naga peace deal. Naga organization National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak Muivah (NSCN-IM) said that the draft agreement of the 2015 peace accord could die. The organization is blaming the central government for this.

Earlier in the National Assembly of the organization a resolution was taken to uphold and protect the unique Naga history and the Naga national principle. According to the organisation’s leaders, the draft agreement did not mention anything about the organisation’s demand for a separate flag and separate constitution, which has now become the subject of controversy in the two-decade-long peace talks with the new Centre.

Naga organization wants its own national flag
Tuku says, ‘How can we lose the Naga national flag and the Naga constitution in the name of a Naga political solution?’ According to sources, it has also been told that in the talks, the Center had proposed that it is ready to accept the Naga flag as a cultural flag, which has been rejected by the NSCN-IM.

The organization wants Nagalim to have its own sovereign territory, a constitution and a national flag, within which both should share sovereign powers. The separatist organization claims this is agreed to in the 2015 Framework Agreement.

Center has kept the draft confidential
The organization also claims that the Center has accepted the demand of Greater Nagalim in the framework agreement with it. According to sources, now she is not ready to go after him. However, till now the draft has been kept confidential by the Centre.

Separatists will get strength from a separate flag
Experts say that the Naga separatist organization considers India as the invader, the root of the problem and the entire area of ​​the Naga population as a separate nation. An agreement like a separate flag and separate constitution from the NSCN-IM is not only impractical from the point of view of Indian interests, but it will also give a revival to the separatist forces in the Northeast.

Naga organization running parallel government
NSCN-IM is running on the principle of considering Nagaland and India as separate nations. The decrees of its parallel government, formed under the name of the Government of the People’s Republic of Nagalim (GPRN), are still affecting all the Naga populated areas. The organization is also forcibly collecting taxes.

The Framework Agreement recognizes the legitimate right of the Naga people to integrate all Naga regions. Due to the vigilance of the security forces, all the militant organizations effective in the area are currently taking refuge in the border of Myanmar or China. The Nagas depend on the separatist organization for logistics and various other needs. The Naga organization wants a full sovereign “Greater Nagalim” and a separate national flag comprising the Naga populated areas of Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh adjoining Nagaland.

Naga Nation Our Identity: Organization
The leader of the separatist organization says that the Naga people were created by God, the creator of heaven and earth, with Naga material and should remain as Nagas. The invaders (India) recognize it or not, the Nagas are also a nation among nations. Naga nation is our identity.

Armed conflict going on in Nagaland since 1950, China provided training-weapons
There has been an armed conflict in Nagaland since the 1950s. After an agreement in 1975, the largest Naga rebel group, the Naga National Council, surrendered. At the same time, the other faction NSCN-IM has been getting training and weapons from China.

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