Bhaskar Explainer: There is an outcry in the world due to Corona, is India the next number? Know from experts how dangerous the new strain is

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  • Coronavirus Variant Outbreak Updates China South Korea Hong Kong, Fourth Wave

new DelhiA minute agoAuthor: Pawan Kumar

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The number of corona patients is increasing continuously in 15 Asian countries including South Korea and China. In Hong Kong, the situation has become so bad that even coffins are not available to keep the dead bodies. In such a situation, the question arises whether the fourth wave is about to knock in India? If yes then for how long? Regarding this apprehension, Bhaskar asked Dr. Raman Ganga Khedkar, former scientist of ICMR, Prof. of Community Medicine. Spoke to Jugal Kishor and Dr. Neeraj Nischal, Associate Professor, Delhi AIIMS. Read the key parts of the conversation…

Question- Is the fourth wave of infection coming?
There is very little chance of a fourth wave right now. Because, two strong barriers have been prepared to stop it in India. The first barrier is natural immunity, which arises in the human body after being infected. Sero survey says that 90% of the country’s population has been infected. That is, they have antibodies. The risk of re-infection is extremely low for 6 to 12 months after being infected. The second important barrier is vaccination. In India, 95% of the population above the age of 18 have received both doses of the vaccine. So we are less at risk.

Hong Kong suffering due to Corona’s furor: Coffins for last rites fell short, bodies being kept in refrigerator

Question- D. How come more than 4 lakh cases are coming every day in Korea even after vaccination?
Answer- Infection is spreading rapidly in South Korea, China, Hong Kong etc. The reason for this is the Omicron variant, which has brought the third wave of infections in India. It is worth noting that in China and South Korea, most of the population had not yet got Kovid. Whereas, it has happened in India. That’s why patients are increasing there, not here.

Question- So is there nothing for us to worry about?
Answer- First of all we need to understand that Corona is not gone yet. Only its spread has been limited. If there is a virus in any corner of the world, then there is a danger for the whole world. Because, the virus mutates continuously. The mutation always occurs in the patient’s body. As long as new bodies are found for the virus to infect, the risk of mutation remains. But, in India its apprehension is still less.

Question- What if a new variant comes in the world?
Answer- Then a new wave of infection can come all over the world. As we have seen because of Delta and Omicron.

Question- Corona is spreading in the world right now with the new strain ‘BA.2’. What effect does this have on India?
Answer- In India, Omicron has hunted almost everyone. The ‘ba.2’ strain is a redesign of Omicron. ‘BA.2’ has been available in India during the third wave, so because of this, the fourth wave cannot come in India.

Question- Is there no possibility of new corona variants being born in India?
Answer- Absolutely it is. For this we have to continue with genome sequencing. With this, the new variant will be known in time.

Question- Masks are no longer necessary in countries like America-UK, for how long is this possible in India?
Answer- All covid protocols should not be abandoned now. Seeing the decrease in cases, the mistake of removing the mask may cost us dearly.

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