Beto O’Rourke returns to campaign trail with withering attack on Greg Abbott – Henry Club

Beto O’Rourke has returned to the campaign trail with a withering attack on Greg Abbottaccusing him of repeatedly letting down Texans and describing him as the “worst governor in America”.

Appearing at the border community of Laredo, a week after a viral infection forced him to take a break, the 49-year-old laid into Mr Abbott, and claimed polls showed him closing the gap on the incumbent Republican.

“All of you who have come out here tonight, let me let you in on the big news. We are going to win this election in November,” he said to cheers.

“We’re gonna win because we’re gonna make sure every woman makes her own decisions about her own body, her own future, and her own health care.”

He added: “We are going to win because we’re going to put the lives of our kids above the interests of the NRA, or the gun lobby or anything else.

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