babupurwa: Crime Branch Arrests Six Bookies | Kanpur News – Times of India

Kanpur: The crime branch on late Wednesday evening raided three houses in Babupurwa’s Bagahi area and arrested six bookies.
The team recovered about Rs 1.24 lakh, six mobile phones and slips containing numbers from the spot. The SI of the Crime Branch lodged a report under the Public Gambling Act against the accused at the Babupurwa police station.
Babupurwa police station in-charge Pradeep Kumar said that the crime branch had raided three houses of Chunnan’s building in Baghahi on Wednesday evening, where four people including a father-son duo from a house were found betting on mobile’s WhatsApp group and Rs 1.05 lakh and four mobile phones were recovered from them. During interrogation, the four identified themselves as Munna Lal Sahu, his son Rajat Sahu, Rahul Sahu and an acquaintance Himanshu. Taking all four along, the team raided two more houses. The team arrested ine Shivam Sonkar and Vipin Sharma from there. Cash worth Rs 19,000 and four mobiles and several slips were also recovered from both of them.
The station in-charge said that the caught bookies had made a WhatsApp group, through which they used to bet in cricket matches. Crime Branch SI Abhishek Shukla has filed a report against them.
