April Fools’ Day 2022: It’s Not Just About Pranks — Know History And Significance

New Delhi: April 1 is celebrated as ‘April Fool’s Day’ every year. The people celebrate this day by playing pranks and practical jokes on each other.

It is counted as a day where one can get away by doing pranks on almost any topic. Hence, the people look forward to this day to crack up hilarious jokes.

Odessa in Ukraine has marked the April Fools Day as a public holiday, Yorkshire Post reported. However, it is not a holiday anywhere else.

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April Fool’s Day dates to 1582, according to the historians, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563.

This day, therefore, includes traditions like playing pranks or cracking practical jokes on each other and screaming ‘’April Fools!”.

France was the first nation to accept and implement the new calendar. This development came as many refused to accept the change and continued following the Julian calendar, which started with the spring equinox around April 1 just like the Hindu calendar.

The New Year was earlier celebrated in March-end prior to the introduction of the Gregorian calendar.

The general public took time to catch on with the new calendar and as a result they continued to celebrate it during the last week of March through to April 1.

In view of the same, they became the subject of jokes and were called ‘April fools’.