Apple & Samsung Could Be Eyeing Smart Rings As Their Next Wearable Offering

In an intriguing move, tech giants Samsung and Apple are believed to be actively engaged in the development of innovative smart rings that could potentially revolutionise the wearables landscape. These forthcoming devices are anticipated to encompass a diverse array of health-tracking features akin to those found in conventional smartwatches, all neatly packaged within the unassuming form factor of a ring.

Over the course of the past year, a plethora of rumours have surfaced regarding Samsung’s concerted efforts in crafting a cutting-edge smart ring designed to monitor users’ physical activities, health metrics, and sleep patterns. Recent developments suggest that the company could be inching closer to unveiling its maiden smart ring offering, as evidenced by a series of trademark applications for potential product names.

Notably, a recent discovery revealed that Samsung has successfully secured the trademark for the term “Curio.” Moreover, reports from GalaxyClub indicate that the South Korean conglomerate has also secured trademarks for several other monikers that could be closely linked to the envisaged smart ring. Among these names are “Galaxy Feel” and “Galaxy Glia,” which now join the ranks of a growing list of trademarks including “Circle,” “Galaxy Ring,” “Galaxy One,” “Index,” “Insight,” “Pulse,” and “Rhythm.” This rich tapestry of trademarks may allude to the various models or features that Samsung’s smart ring lineup could encompass.

Notably, the trademarks have been pursued across multiple countries, including Australia, Norway, South Korea, and the UK. The descriptions provided within these trademark filings suggest that they pertain to functionalities associated with the apps that would accompany Samsung’s smart ring. In particular, the company’s trademark documents explicitly state, “Smart rings; Downloadable software application for smart rings for tracking, gathering, monitoring, detecting, recognising, storing, transmitting, managing and assessing biometric and physiological data, vital signs and personal health records, and for providing medical advice.”

Among the speculated names, “Galaxy Ring” stands out as a logical contender for Samsung’s inaugural smart ring offering, given that the company has already lodged a trademark application for this term. In total, Samsung has sought trademark protection for an impressive tally of ten such terms. However, industry observers are not anticipating the debut of a Samsung smart ring before the first half of 2024.

On a parallel front, tech juggernaut Apple has also emerged as a player in the smart ring arena, with recent revelations indicating that the Cupertino tech major has been granted a patent that outlines the concept of a “ring input device with pressure-sensitive input.” According to the documentation published by the US Patent Office on Tuesday, the patent (US 11733790 B2) proposes a multifunctional ring wearable capable of exerting pressure-sensitive controls and providing haptic feedback for notifications.

The patent, which credits inventors Michael Beyhs, Richard Huizar, Filip Ilievski, Jean Lu, and Thayne Miller, outlines the potential use cases for these electronic finger rings, positing them as “unobtrusive, everyday communication devices” with the capacity to communicate wirelessly with compatible devices. Moreover, the patent envisions various wear configurations, suggesting these rings could be worn as wrist bracelets, hoop earrings, necklaces, or even toe rings.

As these tech giants march forward with their respective smart ring pursuits, it becomes increasingly evident that the convergence of health tracking and discrete control functionalities within a compact ring form factor holds the potential to reshape the wearable technology landscape in the years to come. While specific launch timelines remain uncertain, industry enthusiasts can anticipate significant developments in the domain of smart rings from both Samsung and Apple in the foreseeable future.

In case you were looking to buy a smart ring yourself, Boat and Noise are expected to launch their own smart rings soon in India.