Anand Mahindra shares fearless application letter by his father in viral post. Shashi Tharoor reacts

Industrialist Anand Mahindra’s Twitter profile is a treasure trove full of inspirational posts and motivational quotes. Mahindra regularly shares snippets from his youth as well as incredible memoirs and netizens love it. In one of his recent posts, Mahindra shared photos of an application letter written by his father, Harish Mahindra.

Mahindra shared two photos of the application letter his father wrote to the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. “When I was at the @FletcherSchool to deliver the Class Day Address, they very graciously gave me copies of my father’s application to Fletcher in 1945. These documents are mandatorily confidential for 75 years & by a wonderful coincidence, were declassified just last year!” read the caption.

Take a look:

In the second tweet he wrote, “So proud to read my father’s audacious aspiration & bold statement while India was still a British colony. I’d never talked to him about those aspirations. My advice to young people: talk more to & learn more about your parents while they’re around.”

The photos of the letter showed what Mahindra’s father wrote in the application letter. Writing in such a valiant manner when India was still a British colony not only left netizens impressed, but they wrote about what a priceless piece of memoir it was.

The post has over 2k likes and tons of reactions. Congress MP Shashi Tharoor also commented on the post. “As you know, Anand, I followed your father to Fletcher exactly 30 years later. It’s wonderful to see this and be transported back in time! Now imagine if he had indeed joined the Foreign Service,” read the caption.

Here’s what people had to say:

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