‘An Act of Repentance’: Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan Takes a Dig at PM for Church Visit on Easter

Reported By: Neethu Reghukumar

Last Updated: April 11, 2023, 4:04 PM IST

Thiruvananthapuram, India

Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan also said what needs to be seen is whether Congress is willing to take an open stand on Opposition Unity Front. (File photo/News18)

Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan also called for the opposition unity during his speech in Ernakulam, and said the regional parties should take leadership in states where they are strong

Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan targeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his recent visit to a church in Delhi on Easter, and said “it’s good if it’s an act of repentance…”

On Easter on April 9, BJP leaders visited churches and bishop houses in Kerala in a bid to woo the Christian community ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

Vijayan said, “Our country’s prime minister visited a famous church in Delhi. It’s a good thing, is it an act repentance for everything so far?”

The CM further said Kerala is witnessing a “big” change with BJP leaders visiting bishop houses and churches. “It was outside of Kerala that the attack on Christians took place. You were not able to choose that line here, not because the Sangh Parivar (RSS) here (Kerala) has some special affection for the minorities. But here if you take a communal stand and try to create clashes, the government will take a strict action.”

Vijayan also called for the opposition unity during his speech in Ernakulam, and said the regional parties should take leadership in states where they are strong. The CM also said what needs to be seen is whether the Congress is willing to take such an open stand.

Vijayan said, “In today’s scenario, chances of forming a United Opposition Front is less. That’s when the practical side of it should be thought. In the previous elections, it was alliances at the state level that took place. To spearhead that, (we need) all states where there are regional parties, which are strong with good support. There should be alliances in those places. Who all are ready to stand against BJP… Restrict BJP’s presence in those places.”

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