Amarnath floods for the second time in 19 days: 4 thousand pilgrims were evacuated, the yatra was stopped due to bad weather

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Heavy rains lashed the mountains around the holy cave at Amarnath. Due to this, the ponds and springs near the Amarnath cave area got flooded at around 3 pm. The authorities immediately issued an alert so that a situation like the accident that happened on July 8 did not happen. So far more than 4,000 pilgrims have been evacuated safely. All of them were sent towards Panchtarni, the situation is under control.

26th batch of 2100 pilgrims had left on Tuesday

So far 2.5 lakh people have visited Baba Barfani.

So far 2.5 lakh people have visited Baba Barfani.

A new batch of over 2100 pilgrims from Amarnath left for the cave from Bhagwati Nagar base camp on Tuesday. This batch of 2,189 pilgrims is the lowest this year. A convoy of 73 vehicles left amidst CRPF security. Out of these, 815 pilgrims going to Baltal in 23 trains and another convoy of 49 vehicles carrying 1,374 pilgrims left for Pahalgam.

The cloudburst incident happened on July 8
Amarnath Yatra will end on August 11 on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. 36 pilgrims have died during the current yatra, while on July 8, 15 pilgrims were killed in flash floods triggered by a cloudburst near the Amarnath cave shrine. According to official information, since June 29, 1,37,774 pilgrims have left for darshan from Bhagwati Nagar Base Camp.

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