All records of summer broken in March: It is a disaster for children to go to school in the rising heat, save them from the wrath of heat in these 6 ways

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After attending online classes for 2 years in the country due to Corona epidemic, now children have started going to school once again. Going back to school and meeting friends is a good thing for kids, but record-breaking heat poses a new threat for kids. As the temperature is rising with each passing day, it is getting difficult to step outside even for a few minutes.

The situation is believed to worsen between mid-April to mid-June, when temperatures are at their peak in the plains of North West, Central and North East India. During this time, children are more likely to suffer from heatwave.

Ways to protect kids from heatwave in the sweltering summer:

In the summer season, ask the children to drink more and more water, so that the children remain active throughout the day.

In the summer season, ask the children to drink more and more water, so that the children remain active throughout the day.

1. Hydration- Your baby gets dehydrated quickly due to the heat. This may cause them to feel dizzy. In the summer season, ask the children to drink more and more water, so that the children remain active throughout the day. Drinking more water also reduces the effect of heat stroke. If the child does not drink much water, then make sure that he drinks 2 to 3 liters of water daily. Apart from this, you can also give them coconut water, lemonade, bael or khus syrup to drink.

2. Limit outdoor activities –Your kids may insist on playing or hanging out outside. Therefore, one should try to limit their outdoor activities in the afternoon. Ask them to play at home or wait until the weather turns cold outside. The sun is at its strongest during the summer season between 10 am and 5 pm. After 5 pm the weather gets a little better and the risk of heat stroke is also less. If your kids insist on going out, just let them go in the evening.

3. Apply sunscreen- Sunscreen is equally important not only for adults but also for young children. Children’s skin is more delicate than adults. Being exposed to heat also puts you at risk of getting sunburns and acne. So whenever your child goes out of the house in the afternoon, apply sunscreen thoroughly on all exposed parts of his body. You can also give them caps and umbrellas to protect them from the harsh sun.

Whenever your child goes out of the house in the afternoon, apply sunscreen thoroughly on all exposed parts of his body.

Whenever your child goes out of the house in the afternoon, apply sunscreen thoroughly on all exposed parts of his body.

4. Dress children in light and thin clothes- Dress children in light colored cotton clothes during this season. Cotton fabric absorbs sweat better than other fabrics. Light colored cotton clothes keep the heat down and also helps the body to stay cool. Apart from this, cotton clothes also prevent skin rashes and itching.

5. Healthy Diet- Feed the baby fresh and light food daily keeping in mind the season. Fatty, rancid and fried food can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Include seasonal, fresh fruits and green vegetables in children’s meals. Seasonal products can keep them hydrated and boost their immunity.

6. Look for the symptoms of heatstroke- Even after taking all precautions, you cannot rule out the possibility of heatstroke. That’s why it is important to know the symptoms of heatstroke, so that you can take action at the right time to avoid any trouble. Common symptoms of heat stroke include excessive sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache, vomiting.

(Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. Before adopting tips/treatment/prevention methods, please seek medical advice.)

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