Air Force’s Chinook touched the skies: Records longest non-stop flight, covered 1910 KM distance from Chandigarh to Assam in seven and a half hours

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  • Recorded Longest Non stop Flight, Covered 1910 KM Distance From Chandigarh To Assam In Seven And A Half Hours

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Indian Air Force chopper CH-47F (I) Chinook on Monday set the record for the longest flight in India. Chinook helicopter took off non stop from Chandigarh to Jorhat in Assam. Chinook set the record for the longest non-stop flight by covering a distance of 1,910 km in seven and a half hours without stopping.

Chinook helicopter is capable of flying at very high altitude.  Its specialty is high speed.

Chinook helicopter is capable of flying at very high altitude. Its specialty is high speed.

This Chinook helicopter flight stunned everyone. For the first time in the country, a helicopter has done this feat. Defense Ministry officials said that the Chinook helicopter has made the impossible possible. This helicopter has once again proved its capability. India has bought Chinook helicopters from America.

Chinook plays an important role in times of disaster

Chinook helicopters can carry heavy cargo to great heights with ease.

Chinook helicopters can carry heavy cargo to great heights with ease.

The Defense Ministry official said that the Chinook is one such special helicopter, which is used to bring and carry army personnel and goods. It plays an important role in relief and rescue operations during any disaster. This helicopter is also playing an important role by helping India in the ongoing standoff in eastern Ladakh.

India now has 15 Chinooks

India is the 19th country to use Chinook.

India is the 19th country to use Chinook.

At present, the Indian Air Force has 15 Chinook helicopters. In September 2015, India signed 15 Chinook agreements with the US to increase the strength of the Air Force. Which was worth about $ 3.1 billion. The Chinook is capable of carrying 11 tonnes of cargo and 45 soldiers armed.

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