After ‘Smoking Kaali’, Protesters ‘Shiva & Parvati’ Raise Eyebrows in Assam, Actor Held After Complaints

After a controversy over the ‘unacceptable’ depiction of Hindu Goddess Kaali by a Canada-based documentary filmmaker, a similar issue seems to have trudged up in Assam.

At around 8:30 am on Saturday morning, ‘Lord Shiva’ appeared on the streets of Nagaon town in Assam along with ‘Goddess Parvati’ on a Royal Enfield bullet. Everything seemed fine until the vehicle’s fuel ran out, and his partner, who was personifying Parvati, acted ‘peeved at it’. The turn of events led to an ‘argument’ between the duo which revolved around price rise and issues of the common man, especially related to inflation.

While the duo has said that the ‘creative protest’ was done to just attract eyeballs to the issue at hand, actor Brinicha Bora, who personified Shiva, was later detained by the local police for interrogation. This was after some Hindu organisations threatened against such ‘bad’ depiction of the deities.

The actress portraying Parvati, Parismita Das, talked about why the duo had decided upon the act. “People normally do not heed to awareness rallies and to stage a protest you need lot of arrangement. We therefore decided to portray the issue in a more attractive way which people would understand and take interest,” she said.

And Bora, now under detainment, had said since people prayed to lord Shiva for their problems and concern, the duo believed that this enactment would attract people towards the issue they wanted to highlight.

However, not all took kindly to the ‘creative protest’. Hindu organisations like Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and Bajrang Dal later filed cases against the actor accusing that the duo had portrayed the Hindu god and goddess in a ‘bad light’ and did not ‘have the liberty to do so’.

“We shall not tolerate an act like this. We are liberal but that doesn’t allow any one take advantage of it. We have nothing to say against the protest but why use our God and goddess’ name or involve and demean them,” claimed Pradip Sharma, Secretary, Bishwa Hindu Parishad, Nagaon.

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