After being released on bail on the charge of rape, the rapist lover was again arrested

After being arrested on the charge of raping his girlfriend, he was granted bail and the charge of rape was raised against his boyfriend again. The incident took place in the Golf Green area of ​​South Kolkata, not in the village. After receiving the complaint, the police arrested the youth named Animesh Maiti again. The investigation has revealed that the young man has a relationship with more than one woman. That’s why he uses about 1 dozen phones.

The girl alleged that she met Animesh on social media last January. Within a few days, they became very close. After that, the young man raped her more than once with the promise of marriage. He eventually lodged a complaint with the Golf Green police station. Police arrested the accused on the basis of that allegation. The accused was granted bail a few months later.

The young woman claims that after this, Animesh makes her close to him again. He even asked me to forget the old things. Thinking that the young man had been corrected, the young woman agreed to continue the relationship with him again. Allegedly, Animesh raped her again. The young woman again approached the Golf Green police station. After receiving the complaint, the police arrested Animesh again.

Investigators found out that the accused had relations with more than one woman. He uses different phones to keep in touch with everyone. He has at least 1 dozen such phones.