Advice on vaccination of children: Bharat Biotech said – do not give pain killers after the dose of Covaxin, it is not needed

  • Hindi News
  • Coronavirus
  • Bharat Biotech Said Do Not Give Pain Killers After The Dose Of Covaxin, It Is Not Needed

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Covaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech on Wednesday made it clear that children between the ages of 15 and 18 should not be given pain killers after vaccination. The company said it was not required. Vaccination for this age group has started in the country from January 3.

Bharat Biotech wrote in a tweet that we have received information that 3 tablets of 500mg of Paracetamol are being advised at some vaccination centers after the dose of Covaxin. There is no need to take any such step.

No pain killer or paracetamol is required after Covaxin. Paracetamol is recommended with some other covid vaccines, but not with Covaxin.

Clinical trial did not require medical treatment
The company said that during the clinical trial conducted on 30 thousand people, we found side effects in only 10-20% of the people. Most of these had very mild symptoms, which got better within 1-2 days. There was no need for any kind of medical treatment for them. Medication should be taken only after consulting a physician.

Vaccination of 1.25 crore children completed
Last month, the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) approved emergency doses of Covaxin to children above 12 years of age with certain conditions. After this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced on 25 December that children between 15 and 18 years would be given the corona vaccine from January 3.

Till now 1.25 crore children have been vaccinated in the country. At the same time, 1.40 crore children have registered for vaccination. According to the central government, there are 7.40 crore children of this age group across the country, who are to be vaccinated.

At the same time, from January 10, health care, front line workers and people above 60 years of age suffering from comorbidities i.e. serious diseases are to be given precaution doses. The way they were given the first and second doses of the vaccine, in the same way the third dose will also be given.

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