Actress Praneeta jokes on worshiping her husband’s feet: Ratna Pathak trolls for opposing Karva Chauth, husband also touches bride’s feet

  • Hindi News
  • Women
  • People Said Orthodox, Now Men Also Fast For Women, Custom Of Touching Wife’s Feet In Marriage

New Delhi3 minutes agoAuthor: Diksha Priyadarshi

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Telugu actress Pranitha Subhash recently shared a photo on her Instagram handle worshiping her husband, for which she has been trolled a lot. However, Pranitha, while replying to the trolls in an interview, has said that if she is an actress, it does not mean that she cannot follow the customs. At the same time, Bollywood’s famous actress Ratna Pathak Shah said in an interview on the question of doing Karva Chauth that I am surprised. These are the thoughts of the educated women of the 21st century.

In our society, people always form opinions about women. If a woman does something on her own wish, then it is her personal choice. He gets trolled. Questions are raised on that. In a way it can be called mental torture. The biggest problem about women in our society is that even if they give time to their relationship and home, they are trolled and even if they are not able to give, they are called wrong. Apart from Pranitha Subhash, there are many actresses who give importance to home, so they are asked questions about either career. On the other hand, if they are following any custom, then they are called orthodox.

Pranita Subhash worshiped her husband’s feet on the occasion of Bhimna Amavasya

In the photos shared on Instagram, Pranitha Subhash is worshiping her husband Nitin Raju by sitting near his feet. She had a plate of aarti in her hand, she had also offered flowers at the feet of her husband. Taking these pictures on social media, people trolled her saying that she is a woman of conservative and patriarchal thinking. Pranitha replied saying “This is not new for me. I have always been a traditional girl at heart. I always loved being homely. Also living in a joint family. Sanatan Dharma is very beautiful and embraces everyone. I believe in that. One can be big minded and modern, but that doesn’t mean you forget your roots.”

Please tell that Pranitha Subhash worshiped her husband on the day of Bhimana Amavasya. In the South, on this day, women observe a fast for the long life of their husbands and also worship their feet. Replying to the trollers, Pranita spoke about this in an interview and said, ‘Everything in life has two sides. 90 percent of the people have said only good things. I ignore the rest. I am an actor that doesn’t mean I can’t follow any custom, especially when I have grown up watching him and believe in him completely. All my cousins ​​and friends also follow this. I did puja last year too, when I was newly married, but at that time I did not share the pictures.” Pranita said that nowadays people look for opportunities to troll others under the guise of feminism. In our life Everything should have its own importance.

In many places of India, women’s thumbs are touched during the rounds.

We also have such customs in which women are given importance. In many places in the country, according to the customs, while taking rounds, there is a ritual of touching the toe of the bride with the groom. According to this ritual, this husband makes a promise to the wife to always be with him and follow each and every promise. According to this ritual, when the husband can touch the feet of the husband in front of the whole society, then the wife observes a fast of Teej for him and touches the feet, then how will he be called wrong.

People also troll Dipika Kakar Ibrahim for paying attention at home

‘Sasural Simar Ka’ fame Dipika Kakkar Ibrahim is now a famous blogger too. She often shares some moments of her daily life through blog. Seeing his blog, people have formed opinion for him. People make many comments about his career, home and family. Some question her about her career, some call her a housewife, some a cook.

However, Deepika has given a befitting reply to these trollers many times and said that she does not think that staying at home or taking care of the house is an easy thing, the women who do this are in 24-hour jobs and they are worthy of praise. . They don’t have any restrictions. She is just enjoying her time. Whenever there is work to be done, or a good project will be found, she will do it. She said that she is currently associated with fans through blogs, song albums and social media and is also working.

Ratna Pathak Shah gave a controversial statement regarding Karva Chauth

Veteran actor of Bollywood Naseeruddin Shah had recently said in an interview, due to which many people trolled him. Ratna Pathak Shah had described the Karva Chauth festival as superstition and orthodoxy. She told that in an interview someone had asked her last year whether she observes a fast on Karva Chauth for the well being of her husband. He said, ‘Am I mad, who would do this? Isn’t it strange that even educated modern women do Karva Chauth. She prays for the long life of her husband, so that she does not have to face the wrath of being a widow. Should I do everything that can keep me away from widowhood? Isn’t this a torture for the widows, which makes them realize this. Are we talking like this even in the 21st century? Surprisingly, educated women are also doing the same.”

Ratna Pathak Shah has played the character of a progressive thinking woman in the famous serial 'Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai'.

Ratna Pathak Shah has played the character of a progressive thinking woman in the famous serial ‘Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai’.

However, Ratna was trolled a lot for this and many people told her that it is your decision whether you keep the fast or not, but the women who keep, you can neither stop them nor make them mad. Nowadays, many husbands also keep fast for their wives. So is he crazy or wrong?

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