Image Source : INDIA TV Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan in Aap Ki Adalat

Aap Ki Adalat: Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan, while welcoming the move for drafting uniform civil code, has praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for abolishing ‘triple talaq’ practice among Muslims.

Replying to questions from Rajat Sharma in the show ‘Aap Ki Adalat’ to be telecast tonight at 10 pm on India TV, Khan said: “Triple talaq has been abolished since last four years. We cannot analyze its consequences today. Let 40 years pass. After 40 years, our new generations will look towards our Prime Minister for taking a historic step in removing 1000-years-old practice. The lives of women had become horrible because of triple talaq. On an average, there used to be 500 cases of triple talaq every month and the lives of children of those women used to enter a dark phase. Analysis of those broken families will be made after 40 years, and then people will say, this was a major reformist measure. I don’t like the word ‘kranti'(revolution). I will call it ‘sankranti’ (transformation). Leave it for people to analyze after 40 years..

Arif Mohammad Khan said: ” Triple talaq was abolished by law in 2019. There has been a 95 per cent decrease in the number of triple talaq cases in the last four years. Who benefited the most? Muslim women who used to be on the road after being divorced. Moreover, their offsprings used to face a dark future. They benefited, and yet it was being alleged that it will cause hardship for Muslims.”

When Rajat Sharma said, one Maulana had claimed that ‘halala’ practice is there in order to give respect to women who would never dare to opt for talaq , Khan replied: ” Well, he must apologize for this remark and has crossed the limit. …Holy Quran says, whenever a man or woman opts for divorce, they are persuaded not to do so, and then two persons from each side for mediation, and even after it fails, talaq is allowed on condition that both should stay together for three months. This provision is there in Quran so that if the man or woman has a second mind, the divorce will become void and they can remarry. But why are these leaders describing the provision provided in Quran as ‘quick talaq’?”

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