Superstar Amir Khan on Thursday said he will be returning to acting after a year and would like to spend time with his family while away from the big screen. Khan, whose last theatrical release “Laal Singh Chaddha” opened to mixed reviews and poor box office collections, will be seen in a special role in the upcoming movie “Salaam Venky”.
The 57-year-old star, however, has no plans to headline a film. “I am not doing anything. I have been working for a long time, so now I want to spend time with family. Work is underway on Paani foundation, and there are other things as well. I will come back to acting after a year. But you can see me in a small role in this film (‘Salaam Venky’),” Khan told reporters here at the premier of the movie directed by Revathy. The superstar had announced his plans to go on a hiatus last month.
“Salaam Venky”, featuring Kajol and Vishal Jethwa, is inspired by the true story of the young chess player Kolavennu Venkatesh, who had Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). He died in 2004.
DMD is a genetic disorder which causes skeletal and heart muscle weakness that gets worse with time. Venkatesh’s death sparked a debate about euthanasia, commonly known as mercy killing, in India. Khan said he is glad that Revathy gave him the opportunity to be part of such a “heartwarming” and “inspirational” story. “I am glad Revathi gave me an opportunity to be part of this film. It is a true story. Venky was alive a few years ago. His mother Sujatha and their story is so inspirational. I felt so happy that Revathy has made a film on this. This film is so beautiful and moving. Every artist has worked so well. I am happy and proud to be part of this film,” the actor said.
“Salaam Venky” is produced by Suuraj Sinngh, Shraddha Agrawal, and Varsha Kukreja under the banner of BLIVE Productions and RTAKE Studios. The film is set to hit the theatres on Friday.