Aadhaar: Want to Update Aadhaar Details from Comfort of Home? Soon It Will be Possible

Aadhaar Update: The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has good news for Aadhaar card holders. The Aadhaar issuing authority is soon going to launch doorstep services, which means that you will not have to visit an Aadhaar Seva Kendra or a post office to avail the services. This will be done through the post office, and soon you will see postmen not only bringing your letters, but also Aadhaar services to your own homes. The UIDAI is making all necessary arrangements to make this happen as soon as possible, as per a report.

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is training 48,000 postmen of the India Post Payment Bank ahead of the rollout of the doorstep Aadhaar service, the Economic Times has said in its report. In the first phase, the UIDAI will train these postmen to go door to door in the remotest parts of the country. They will bring doorstep Aadhaar services like linking your mobile number with Aadhaar, update other details, and enroll children for issuance of their 12-digit ID. All this will be done while you sit at the comfort of your home.

As per the ET report quoting a senior government official, as many as 1.5 lakh postal officer will be trained during the second phase of the plan. The training is being provided to these postmen in a bid to reaching out to more people across the ID and enroll them in the Aadhaar programme, which is a part of the UIDAI’s expansion plan, the official said.

The person added that the UIDAI will provide postmen with the necessary digital gear including a desktop or laptop-based Aadhar kit so that they can update the details of the Aadhaar card holders or enroll children for issuing their Aadhaar numbers. The UIDAI is making all arrangements to ensure smooth rollout of the plan.

“So far, we have run pilots on IPPB postmen using tablet and mobile-based kit for child enrolment,” the official told the Economic Times. “We will now expand that to enable them to also update Aadhaar details in remote areas using laptop or a desktop,” he added.

Apart from IPPB postmen, UIDAI also wants to onboard around 13,000 banking correspondents currently working with the Common Service Centre of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, further said the official. The UIDAI also aims to open an Aadhaar Sewa Kendra in all 755 districts across the country so that all the details are updated as soon as possible.

“We currently have 88 UIDAI Sewa Kendra in 72 cities. The plan is to reach even the remotest corners. We will also approach state governments to provide space in government premises where these sewa kendras can be opened,” the official told ET.

Out of the average daily 50,000 Aadhaar detail updates done across the country, most are from urban areas. People in rural areas have to visit an Aadhaar Seva Kendra to make changes to their details, said the official. To tackle this issue, the UIDAI also has plans to open a ‘mini’ Aadhaar Seva Kendra in each of the 7224 blocks of the country, which will have a necessary setup to perform these tasks. “We will have to find state government or municipal premises for both the Aadhaar Sewa Kendra as well as the mini kendras. We are hopeful that the state governments would help UIDAI,” the official said.

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