A woman threw a shoe at Partha, who is this white bear? | who is Subhra Ghoroi who threw shoe at Partha Chatterjee | Kolkata


The year will be good There may be a little pressure at work, but the year will pass well The family may have guests Give yourself some time this year

Keep a cool head in the new year You may face some problem at office You can talk to people with new people in this new year

Take care of your body in the new year You may suffer from stomach pain New job opportunities may come Keep an eye on the cost

In the new year there is love, love, marriage Give yourself some time You can go somewhere ahead with family members

In the new year, the atmosphere in the office will be good Talk less if you can Stay away from secret enemies New job opportunities may come

An old friend may come back to life in the new year This week is auspicious for traders Students can expect good results

You may suffer from lack of confidence in the new year Meditate for peace of mind. . Try to keep yourself away from immoral things.

Take care of your body in the new year May suffer from cold, cough Time is good for teachers

In the new year there are promotions at work You may get involved in a dispute with a person from the mother’s place of the family

You will get name, success, prestige in the new year. Your mental and physical condition will be positive this week.

If you are hoping for a pleasant change in the new year, this week will give you many opportunities. You will have special inclinations in creative subjects like art, dance, literature, etc. The monotonous daily life will become lively. You will be happy to meet your loved ones. The day is also good for students. Hard work will not fail. You will get great success at work. There is a possibility of financial gain.

Keep your eyes and ears open in the new year Beware of hidden enemies Can buy new house or car Guests may gather in the house

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