A person trapped in the rocks for three days was rescued alive: He was trapped while taking out the mobile phone, and was rescued by a controlled blast.

Hyderabadjust moments ago

A 36-year-old man, who was dangerously trapped between rocks in a forest in Telangana’s Kamareddy district for three days, was safely rescued on Thursday afternoon. During this he was given liquid diet. The administration took him out alive by running a rescue operation. For this, controlled explosions were also done in the rocks.

C Raju of Reddipet village slipped into the gap between the rocks on Tuesday while trying to retrieve his mobile phone which had fallen between the rocks. He was so trapped that he could not even move his body. He was walking with a friend on a hillock in that area when the incident happened. The friend informed the incident to his family. On this the family members tried to save him. When they could not remove him, they informed the police.

Trapped in the rocks, Raju was unable to move his body even while trying to get out.

rescue operation launched
On receiving the information, the police along with officials of other departments started the rescue operation at around 4 pm on Wednesday. First an attempt was made to break the rocks. JCB’s help was also taken. But did not get success. Then controlled blasts were done on Thursday to break the rocks.

Continued oxygen supply and gave juice
During the rescue, care was taken that the broken rocks did not fall on Raju. During this, the supply of oxygen to Raju continued. He was given juice. Raju’s relative Ashok played an important role in the rescue operation by reaching him inside the rocks and continuously giving him liquid diet. He kept talking to Raju and kept encouraging him.

Raju, who was trapped between the rocks, was given oxygen supply and fruit juice.

Raju, who was trapped between the rocks, was given oxygen supply and fruit juice.

10 big stones had to be removed, very difficult operation
Kamareddy district SP B Srinivasa Reddy said that stones had to be removed from where Raju was trapped. About 10 big stones were slowly removed one after the other. In the final stage, two large rocks were removed. After that the rock on which Raju was lying was pulled out and Raju was saved safely. Reddy said, ‘It was a very difficult operation. We are happy that Raju was taken out without any injury.

Raju’s condition stable

Raju was rescued safely at around 2 pm on Thursday.

Raju was rescued safely at around 2 pm on Thursday.

Raju was taken to the hospital after being rescued at around 2 pm on Thursday. Raju told the media at the hospital, ‘I went inside to take out the cell phone and tried to come out, but I could not. I was trapped between boulders for three days, but I did not feel scared. Doctors say that Raju will be kept under observation for two days.

Wife said – there was concern but there was also hope of survival
Raju’s wife thanked everyone involved in the rescue efforts. She said she was worried but was hopeful that Raju would come out alive as he could speak. Along with policemen, Forest, Revenue, Medical, Fire Brigade and local public also cooperated in the rescue operation.

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