A night of philosophy in Tel Aviv – preview

This year’s Night of Philosophy events, organized by the French Institute in Israel for the seventh time, will take place at various venues in Tel Aviv, today from 6:30 p.m., throughout the evening and into the wee hours of the night. Events will be held in Hebrew and French, as well as English.

The Night of Philosophy in Israel was launched in 2015 and has become an important cultural and intellectual event, offering a unique platform for dialogues on philosophy, culture, art and politics.

The theme for this year’s events is “Philosophy and Democracy,” and they will offer an opportunity to listen to in-depth discussions that sharpen the political, philosophical and ethical sensitivity around the importance of protecting democracy.

In addition, Night of Philosophy offers stimulating discussions and debates between the different elements of civil society in Israel, including religious and secular, Jewish and Arabacademic and political and public figures, men and women, etc.

French Cultural Institute. (credit: FLICKR)

Israel’s current state

Including 30 panels and debates, the curator of the event, the philosopher Raphael Zagury-Orly, will center the dialogues and discussions on the state of democracy in the world and the current political crisis in Israel.

Among the French guests expected to attend are Francis Wolff, Pierre Birnbaum, Eva Illouz, Myriam Revault d’Allonnes and Julie Saada.

For more information, visit: www.the-night-of-philosophy-in-israel.com