Do You suffer From Acne Problems? Know These Home Remedies Shared By Experts

Acne is a something we’ve all been plagued with at some point or the other. While it’s often associated with adolescence, acne can strike at any age and come in various forms. Achieving clear and healthy skin demands understanding of different types of acne and how to treat. In this article, we will delve into how different types of acne occur and the way we can deal with it.

Different Types Of Acne And How To Treat Them

Dr. Tanvi Vaidya, who is a Consultant Dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon said the following:

1. Whiteheads and Blackheads: Whiteheads and blackheads are essentially blocked oil glands called comedones. Whiteheads are closed comedones, while blackheads are the open ones. 

  • Treatment: Over-the-counter topical treatments with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can help clear these blemishes.

2. Papules and Pustules: Papules are small, red bumps without pus. Pustules are similar but contain pus and are often red at the base.

  • Treatment: Gentle cleansing and topical antibiotics or benzoyl peroxide can aid in reducing inflammation.

3. Cysts and Nodules: Cysts are pus-filled, large and painful lumps beneath the skin. Nodules are deep, hard, painful bumps.

  • Treatment: Seek professional help as these types may lead to scarring. Dermatologists can prescribe oral antibiotics, isotretinoin, or perform drainage procedures.

4. Hormonal Acne: Often seen in women and linked to hormonal fluctuations.

  • Treatment: Birth control pills, hormonal therapy, or spironolactone may be recommended by a healthcare provider.

5. Acne Rosacea: Presents as redness and visible blood vessels, often affecting middle-aged adults. You may see your skin flushing, or going red every time it’s hot, sunny or when you have alcohol or eat something spicy.

  • Treatment: Topical or oral antibiotics, along with avoiding triggers like alcohol and spicy foods.

6. Back and Chest Acne: Acne can occur on the back and chest due to sweat and friction.

  • Treatment: Regular cleansing, topical treatments, and wearing breathable fabrics can help.

Tips To Tackle Acne And Blemishes:

Acne and blemishes can pose significant challenges, affecting one’s self-esteem and confidence. Nevertheless, with a strategic approach, you can effectively address these skin concerns and attain a more flawless complexion.

Here are some valuable tips shared by Dr. Ajay Rana who is an internationally renowned Dermatologist, Surgeon & Aesthetic Physician and the Founder and Director of ILAMED & Dermalyn Aesthetics, to guide you on your path to healthier skin.

  • Prioritise Skin Cleansing: Initiate your skincare routine with a mild, non-comedogenic cleanser, cleansing your face twice daily. This crucial step assists in the elimination of surplus oil, dirt, and dead skin cells that tend to clog pores, ultimately leading to breakouts.
  • Moderation is Key: While cleanliness is vital, excessive washing can deplete your skin’s natural oils, compelling it to produce even more oil to compensate. Adhere to the recommended twice-daily cleansing regimen to maintain a healthy balance.
  • Embrace Moisturisation: Opt for a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin adequately hydrated without the risk of excessive greasiness. Moisturizing supports the preservation of your skin’s natural protective barrier.
  • Select Appropriate Products: Seek out skincare products featuring ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) for addressing acne concerns. For blemishes, products enriched with niacinamide can prove highly beneficial.
  • Hands Off: Resist the urge to touch your face, as this can transfer bacteria and provoke skin irritation. Picking at blemishes can also result in lasting scarring.
  • Sun Shielding: Prioritise sun protection by consistently applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to safeguard your skin against harmful UV radiation. It’s worth noting that certain acne medications may render your skin more sensitive to sunlight.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Sustain a well-balanced diet, stay adequately hydrated, and employ stress management techniques. These factors play a pivotal role in the overall health of your skin.

Lastly, Samhitha G Inturi who is the CEO of Land of Beauty India LLP ( 3AM ) said, “One of the reasons for acne is clogged pores and dead skin. Exfoliating on a regular basis with a gentle scrub or mild exfoliating serum can help with acne and blemishes. It’ll also deter acne-causing bacteria.”