LG-Led Admin ‘Doing Work Of Ministers, MLAs’: Azad Expresses Concerns Over Polls In J-K

While the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is “normal,” the continued delay in holding assembly elections is a source of “grave concern,” former chief minister Ghulam Nabi Azad stated on Saturday, news agency PTI reported. Addressing a public gathering in Batamaloo, Azad stated that the situation has “not been more normal in the last 30-35 years” than it is today, but it is possible that this is the first time in J-K history that assembly polls have not been held for such a long time.

“When the situation was bad in J-K, and there was bloodshed and leaders left the Valley, Kashmiri Pandits left the Valley, that time also elections took place after five to six years,” Azad was quoted by PTI in its report.

“But, today when the situation is normal, and it has not been more normal than this in the last 30-35 years, still elections have not taken place in the last nine years. This is a matter of grave concern,” the former Congress leader and chairman of the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) said.

Azad stated that it was the first rally in the region in 36 years.

“I am thankful to you that you came here, the number of people does not matter, but that there is peace in this area and a political meeting could take place is in itself a wonder. I think this is the first political meeting here in the last 35-36 years. When I was the chief minister or in the Congress, no one had the courage to conduct a meeting here. Because, unfortunately, the situation was not good in this area. I am happy that there is peace in the city now,” he said.

While the lieutenant governor’s administration was executing its duty, the ex J-K chief minister stated that it could not replace elected legislators.

“The administration is doing its job, but this is not its job. I am not saying LG is not doing his work, or officers are not doing their work, but we are asking them to do a job that is not theirs but is of ministers, MLAs, elected representatives,” he said.

He stated that an elected MLA or chief minister goes everywhere, roams among the people, and asks them about their problems.

“That does not happen now, because an officer is not for that, he is for running the office. If MLAs are made secretaries, they will destroy the files in one day,” he said.

Later, addressing the media, the DPAP chairman stated that he and his party have long advocated for assembly elections since only lawmakers can adequately serve the people.

“The officers are intelligent and good, but the secretariat will suffer if they work like MLAs. So the election for MLAs should take place,” he said.

In reference to the situation in the Gaza Strip, Azad stated that people expected powerful countries to bring peace.

“Unfortunately, the powerful countries, who can restore peace and calm, themselves get involved then who will restore it? “The way the situation in Gaza is, the way children are being killed, the way there is no food or water or milk and it has been made the world’s biggest prison, the powerful countries could have intervened, but since they have not, we can only pray,” he said.

He begged everyone to pray for the people of Gaza so that their misery might cease.