Uniform Law: There will be no separate markets, no separate glasses, everyone will draw water from the same well

  • Hindi News
  • Opinion
  • Bhaskar Opinion; Universal Civil Code BJP Sangh 2024 Loksabha Elections

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Politicians have started the election season trump cards. On one side there is a common opposition candidate. In response, the Uniform Civil Code of the ruling party. Means common civil code or in simple language, equal law for all. Let’s talk about equal law first. This has been the slogan of the Sangh from the beginning. Two marks, two laws will not work in one country. The slogan refers to both Kashmir and the country.

Whatever may be the intention of the ruling party behind this uniform law, we common people keep positive thinking behind it. … that now there will be no high or low market in our village-town. That two glasses system will also not be there at tea shops. Even on those roads, which have been purified by the passing of the temple chariot, wearing slippers will be able to walk fearlessly.

Together we will draw water from the same well. No one else will remain in our village except our own caste. Everyone will be human race. No Hindu. No Momin All human. Will only ask each other about their well-being. Because we are tired of opening the lock of our door ourselves.

Just want this – someone should ask… whether there is too much salt in your vegetables? Can I get another one from my house? What do we need anyway? One roasted chilli and one-half rotla. Only this much desire remains. When you come home after getting tired – even the neighbors ask, why are your eyes so red? Did you eat something, or did you keep postponing it all day long, in the whole village?

Well, the need of us common people is only this much. Whatever the leaders say, whatever they do. Whatever their target may be! What should we do with this?

The Janata Party won 295 seats in the elections held after the Emergency was lifted in 1977.  Morarji Desai then became the Prime Minister of the country.

The Janata Party won 295 seats in the elections held after the Emergency was lifted in 1977. Morarji Desai then became the Prime Minister of the country.

Now coming to the common candidate. In 1977, this experiment has been done against Mrs. Indira Gandhi. When the Janata Party was in the opposition. In a way, all the parties were involved in this party. A section (Morarji) of the Congress which was being opposed jointly. But then it was a different matter. The public itself was contesting the elections from the opposition side. She used to collect donations.

The public was sometimes handing over bags to Chandrashekhar, sometimes to Atalji and sometimes to Morarji. The leaders kept on walking and the caravan kept on increasing. Now there is no such atmosphere in favor of the opposition, but if it succeeds in fielding a common candidate, then it can have a big advantage against the ruling party.

How? We can understand this from the statistics of the last election – the statistics of the Election Commission and ADR show that out of 542 seats where elections were held in the last Lok Sabha elections, only 341 seats were such that the winning candidate got more than fifty percent of the total votes. Got more votes. The remaining 201 seats were such that they were won with a margin of less than fifty percent.

In the meeting of the opposition parties held in Patna on June 23, a consensus was reached on fielding a common opposition candidate against the BJP.

In the meeting of the opposition parties held in Patna on June 23, a consensus was reached on fielding a common opposition candidate against the BJP.

These 201 seats can be beneficial for a common candidate. Out of these 303 seats won by the BJP, in about 80 seats the winning candidate got less than fifty percent votes. It means to say that if the votes of all the candidates standing in front of the winning candidate are collected, then it does not take long to turn victory into defeat.

These days the opposition is engaged in this process. Although it cannot be said from now whether the common candidate’s ace will be caught by the opposition or it will disintegrate before that, but if this campaign works, it will certainly prove to be a sweat-breaker for the ruling party.

Anyway, this present election system has been questioned many times. The question was, if this election system is based on statistics and everything depends on the majority, i.e. more than half, then how can the person who gets less than fifty percent of the votes be declared victorious?

The opposition parties will hold the next meeting in Shimla in the month of July.

The opposition parties will hold the next meeting in Shimla in the month of July.

The question within the question is that suppose there are one million voters in a Lok Sabha seat. Sixty percent votes have been cast. So there are six lakh votes. Out of five candidates, three got one lakh votes each and the fourth got 75 thousand. The fifth candidate wins by getting 2.25 lakh votes.

While 1.45 lakh votes have been cast against it. Or it can also be said that 1.45 lakh people are not in his favor. or disagree with his selection. Still he is declared victorious. A common candidate can prevent this division of votes. Well, these common candidates and these same laws are now going to enter our cities, towns, villages and homes with rampage. We have to be alert, all the time. every moment. Let no one take advantage of our innocence. Because their desires are sharpening their teeth. We cut as usual. Then they get cut and keep getting cut.

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