Ban on dog meat lifted in Nagaland after 35 months: Gauhati High Court said – it is the favorite food of Nagas even today

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  • Nagaland Dog Meat Ban Vs Guwahati (Gauhati) High Court Verdict | Assam News

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The Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court has lifted all restrictions on dog meat in Nagaland. That is, now the trade of dogs in Nagaland, buying and selling of dog meat in the markets and dog meat will also be available in restaurants. Traders have expressed happiness over this decision of the High Court, but dog lovers have expressed concern.

The High Court quashed the ban imposed in Nagaland in July 2020. Justice Marley Wankung, while giving the verdict on June 2, said that even today dog ​​meat is in vogue among the people of Nagaland as food.

Big things about the Guwahati High Court’s decision on dog meat…

  • Dog meat is an accepted food among the Nagas. Therefore, the petitioner (trader) also has the right to earn his livelihood.
  • Dog meat is not a standard human food, so it is excluded from the definition of animals safe for humans under the Food Safety Act of 2011.
  • Such a ban on dog meat was not surprising as the idea of ​​eating dog meat is foreign to the country except in some parts of the North-East.
  • No basis has been found for not accepting the eating of dog meat by various tribes in Nagaland as a custom and of medicinal value.
  • In the absence of any law on dog meat, the executive order can be set aside, even if the said order itself was issued after the approval of the cabinet.
Tourists, journalists and social activists started coming to Dimapur Super Market to show cruelty to animals.

Tourists, journalists and social activists started coming to Dimapur Super Market to show cruelty to animals.

Patients and pregnant women eat dog meat
Dog meat has been banned once in November 2020 as well. Then 3 licensed traders of Kohima Municipal Council filed a petition against the ban in the High Court. After the ban, the sale of dog meat was stopped for a few days, but after discussion with the association, the sale was started again.

Not everyone in Nagaland eats dog meat. It contains a lot of protein, so pregnant women, cancer patients, people undergoing treatment or undergoing surgery eat it. There is a lot of power in its soup.

The demand to ban dog meat started in 2016
Eating dog meat is an old tradition in Nagaland, but it came into limelight only in the year 2016. Then a legal notice was sent to the state government to ban the sale of dog meat. Many animal welfare activists stood up against the sale of dog meat in Nagaland and the matter reached the High Court and the Supreme Court.

stray dog ​​population increased by 4885% in nagaland
According to the information given in the Lok Sabha in response to a question, the population of stray dogs has increased in Nagaland by about 4885%, the maximum in seven years. In the year 2012, there were only seven stray dogs in Nagaland and by 2019 their number had increased to 342.

Also read these news related to dog meat ban in Nagaland…

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