Amid Tensions With Iran, US Deploys Guided-Missiles Submarine In Middle East: Report

The United States Navy has deployed a guided-missile submarine with the ability to hit the targets in the Middle East with a total number of 154 Tomahawk missiles. This comes as the latest development amid the display of strength in the backdrop of tense relations with Iran in the recent past. However, a spokesperson for the 5th Fleet in the Gulf nation of Bahrain, Commander Timothy Hawkins, did not say anything about the specific purpose of the current deployments.

He further said, “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to the US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability.”

Tomahawk cruise missiles can generally hit targets up to 25,000 kilometres after being launched from the submarines. Such types of missiles were deployed in 2003 when the US had invaded Iraq. They were also used in 2018 during the Syrian chemical weapons attack, reported AP. The current development of events has come amid the US tensions with Iran.

Last month, the US also carried out airstrikes against Iran-backed forces in Syria. This took place following a rocket attack that killed a US contractor. Seven other Americans were also left injured in the incident.

Relations between the US and Iran have only deteriorated after former President Donald Trump withdrew from a 2015 agreement related to sanctions on Iran. The agreement said restrictions could be lifted from Iran if it put a substantial curb on its nuclear activities.

The present US government led by President Joe Biden has tried to improve relations. But it worsened after Iran provided attack drones to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. Other countries, including the UK and Israel, have also said Iran tried to target the oil tankers and commercial ships in the past few years. However, Tehran has rejected the claims.

Meanwhile, the US Navy has also said there were some isolated incidents where Iranian forces displayed strong behaviour, reported AP.