The United Nations passed a resolution for peace in Ukraine, India and China abstained from voting

The UN General Assembly passed the resolution on the anniversary of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The motion was passed demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. Voting for this is done in the general meeting. However, China and India abstained from voting. 141 members voted in favor of the proposal. 7 members were against the proposal, but 32 members, including India and China, abstained from voting. The resolution calls for Russia to cease hostilities in Ukraine and withdraw its forces.

Afterwards, Russian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said, ‘This proves that it is not only the West that supports Russia.’ Notably, foreign ministers and diplomats from more than 75 countries addressed the gathering during the two-day debate. Many have urged adherence to Ukraine’s territorial integrity, a fundamental principle of the United Nations. Regarding why India abstained from voting, India’s permanent representative to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj said, “India is concerned about the situation in Ukraine.” Many people have lost their lives due to the conflict between the two countries. In addition to increasing suffering, millions of people have been displaced. Attacks on common people are really worrying.’ He also said, ‘India has always supported the principles of the United Nations Charter. In our country also we believe in solving problems through negotiation and diplomatic methods. There are many limitations to the approach to securing lasting peace that the United Nations resolution calls for. That is why India has abstained from voting.’

Incidentally, the year-long Russia-Ukraine war has left thousands of people dead on both sides and many cities in ruins. As a result, global food and fuel prices have increased. Poland’s Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau said, ‘We offer our condolences and support to Ukraine.’

On the other hand, Russia is not willing to back down from the war. Just before the anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine war, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned of increasing nuclear weapons. He said that more money will be allocated to increase the nuclear arsenal. Note that Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24 last year. Western countries have been supporting Ukraine since the start of the war. After many discussions there was no solution.

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