Justice March on Sidhu Musewala’s death anniversary: ​​Father’s announcement – will come out in Punjab with a bullet-riddled thar, anger in heart against the government

Ludhiana2 hours ago

Punjabi singer Sidhu Musewala’s father Balkaur Singh has said that the time has come to bid farewell to Musewala. Shubhdeep’s death anniversary will be announced soon and Sidhu will be bowed down in Mansa in a simple manner.

During the meeting with Sidhu Musewala’s fans on Sunday, Balkaur said that it has been 10 months since I mourned. In such a situation, now the family has decided that Sidhu’s death anniversary should be held before April. Balkaur Singh also said that he would take Sidhu Musewala’s bullet-riddled Thar jeep across Punjab to let people know that the government has not been able to provide justice to his family till date.

Balkaur Singh said that although my son had to celebrate my death anniversary, but today such a time has come that I have to celebrate my son’s death anniversary. There is a lot of anger in his mind towards the AAP government of Punjab and he will definitely show this anger to the government when the time comes. However, don’t oppose anyone violently.

Balkaur Singh appealed to Sidhu’s fans that justice would be sought for Sidhu in a peaceful manner. The Punjab government wants that Sidhu’s death should be forgotten by his fans, loved ones and family but this cannot happen.

Balkaur said, ‘I brought my son’s ‘last ride’ Thar jeep home from the police station because I could see my son Shubhdeep sitting on it. This Thar riddled with Sidhu’s bullets will always sting in the eyes of the Punjab government and will always remind the people that the Punjab government could not get justice for their innocent son.

Sidhu Musewala’s father Balkaur Singh said that Sidhu was riding in this Thar jeep before the murder, so he considers this Thar jeep as his last ride. He will take this last ride of Sidhu to every city of Punjab while fighting for his son’s justice. He has no hope from any political party. He wants to stay away from political leaders.

Thar became the last ride

The song ‘The Last Ride’ by Sidhu Musewala is one of his most famous songs. Like that song, his Thar jeep also became the last ride for Sidhu Musewala. When gangsters shot Sidhu Musewala on 29 May 2022, he was traveling in this Thar jeep. Though Sidhu Moosewala had a bulletproof vehicle as well, but due to puncture of his tyre, he had taken a Thar jeep. While going to Sidhu, both his gunmen had also left the house.

The government asked the gangsters the reason for the murder
Balkaur Singh said that the gangsters who are caught by the police should be made to sit on a table and asked why they unnecessarily kill people. When a leader is killed, all the conspirators are caught immediately but the murderers of Sidhu Musewala are still roaming free. The people sitting in the government should see everyone with one eye. Until the governments do not look at the gangsters, leaders and the public with one eye, people will not have faith in the government.

36 accused in jail, where did the money for the murder come from?
Balkaur Singh said that about 36 people have been arrested in the massacre of Moosewala. Each one of them must have taken Rs 2 to 5 lakh. Where did this much cash money come from and how did it reach these people? Police is not able to answer this till date. All the security agencies have failed miserably.

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