Israel. Together. In Austin. – Sponsored Content | The Times of Israel

Every year the IAC (Israeli American Council) brings together thousands of Israeli-Americans and Jewish Americans in unity, with Israel at heart and Israeliness in spirit, to feel, experience and celebrate Israel in America.

Featuring a lineup of renown speakers, public figures, politicians, artists and business leaders from the Jewish community in America and across the sea, the IAC is known for its magnetic power to pull top influencers and personalities to engage in impactful conversations about our present, future and young generation of Israelis and Jewish Americans in the U.S.

Celebrating Israel 75

Launching the 75th year of Israel, the summit will be celebrating Israel’s birthday with performances by Israeli mega-star, Noa Kirel (just months before she represents Israel in the Eurovision contest), as well as the social musical experience Koolulam, hosting public singing by all summit participants in a unique unforgettable shared singing experience.

Israel America Business Playground

This year, unlike all others, the IAC summit is celebrating 75 years of Israeli innovation in Austin, TX – the hub of economic flourish and creative innovation in

The IAC National Summit brings together thousands with Israel at Heart. (Credit: IAC)

the U.S., bringing the start-up nation’s top business, tech, real estate moguls, entrepreneurs and leaders to its first ever Israel America Business Playground. The playground is the ultimate ground to cultivating cross-Atlantic relationships, as well as magnifying opportunities, connections and relationships between Israeli and American businesses right here in the U.S.

As part of the playground, speakers such as Adam Singolda (Founder of Taboola), Uri Levine (Founder of Waze), and many others will join in stimulating conversations around Israeli business innovations, real estate developments, environmental innovations, health-tech, fintech and more.

“The summit’s Israel America Business Playground brings together entrepreneurs and innovators from the fintech, health-tech, environmental, real estate and start up worlds, to talk about today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities

Austin, the city that grooms innovation

In previous years the summit took place in Washington DC and South Florida. The new destination of Austin is a sharp move for the IAC, which is often referred to as the “Start-Up of the Jewish World,” and with that title, Austin plays a big part in the organizational vision and mission.

Economic “Iron-Dome” & the war against BDS and anti-semitism

Letting the young generation pave the path for our future, and our present, fight

Credit: IAC

against anti-semitism, the Summit brings together influential figures to help

navigate through this challenging path. Community activists including Noa Tishby, Elan Kar, Joseph Hadad, Rudy Rochman, joined by Mossad and Foreign Affairs representatives including Ehud Lavie, Former Deputy Director of the Mossad and Zohar Palti, former director of Mossad Intelligence, will address and discuss our current state of increased antisemitism and how to handle it. Interactive engagements will include an escape room, flight simulations guided by Israeli elite air force and more.

“Our next generation is our future. As a community of immigrants from Israel, as 1st and 2nd generation Israeli-Americans, and as the Jewish community in America as a whole, it is our responsibility to make sure that we infuse the spirit of Israel, and creative Israeli entrepreneurship and innovation, in our next generation – our children”.

A traditional Israeli-Jewish experience

This year the summit will be bringing the traditional Israeli Shabbat experience, with prayers and kosher meals in a unique gathering around a communal shabbat service.

Women will gather in parlor in a unique track dedicated to uniting the women of

A multigeneration experience (Credit: IAC)

Gvanim Ramon in partnership with Momentum, following their inspirational delegation visit to Israel. This experience will be open to all women in the community to empower and connect to Israel and to each other.

Just before sundown on the afternoon of Shishi, the musical experience Koolulam will take place where all summit participants will join together in an orchestrated singing experience led by the music group.

Saturday night will be packed with breakout sessions and thought-provoking conversations, and will end with a special performance by Noa Kirel, and a Tel Aviv-style after-party, late into the night.

The summit is offering the perfect mix of Jewish tradition, innovation and Israeli spirit, leaving the community united with an uplifting Israeli experience and a full heart.

Families are welcomed to enjoy all three full days or select their own experience and path in this multigenerational community event of unity.

Shoham Nicole, co-founder and CEO of the IAC is inviting all to experience Israel:

“On Israel’s 75th year, we are excited to unite and create an Israeli experience in Austin, for our 8th annual summit. Only together, as a united and strong community, through impactful conversations and joint creation, we will be able to face our challenges and maximize our opportunities. Join us to declare our unity as a community with Israel at heart and in spirit.”To learn more