Fungal Sinusitis: Know The Symptoms And Treatment Of This Nose Infection

A lot of people suffer from a runny nose or common cold and cough in winter. Typically, all of these are caused by a viral infection. There is nothing to be worried about if it is a common cold. However, if you have a runny nose along with swelling, then you may have contracted a fungal infection, which is known as Fungal Sinusitis. It can be very dangerous if not treated on time. Fungal sinusitis primarily targets people with low immunity.

According to a report by Cleveland Clinic, sinuses are hollow, interrelated spaces (cavities) inside the skull. They stretch across the forehead, between the eyes, behind the nose, and beneath the cheekbones. The mucus covers the sinus walls, trapping bacteria and keeping the air inside moist. So, the sinuses must be cleaned regularly. However, they will not function properly if there’s a blockage or inflammation.

Take a look at the symptoms of fungal sinusitis below:

A fever followed by a runny nose

Swelling of the nose and sinuses

The nose begins to become clogged

There is discomfort in the nose and its skin turns bright red

The nose turns tender and painful to touch

When a sinus infection gets severe, the cheeks and eyes swell


The face begins to feel numb

Some patients also face issues with their vision

What is the treatment for this infection?

If you have severe symptoms of fungal sinusitis, then you must immediately consult with a doctor. It is generally treated with antifungal medications. If regular medications do not work, then your doctor may prescribe corticosteroid medicines to you. Apart from that, a nasal wash is recommended to keep the nose clean. In case the medication fails to treat the infection, then surgery may be recommended by the doctor.

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