Bomb balls in earrings: adornment with death goods, demand from all over the world if the story was published in a British newspaper

  • Hindi News
  • Women
  • Ukrainian Woman Made A Picture Of Putin With A Bullet, While In Afghanistan Women Are Making Earrings From Shells

New Delhi15 hours agoAuthor: Mrityunjaya

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What is the function of bullets fired from a gun? Obviously – taking lives and causing destruction. The 18th century French soldier ‘Henri Gustave Delvigne’ had created modern bullets thinking that it would kill his enemies.

Alfred Nobel, the discoverer of dynamite, or William Mills, the inventor of grenades; They have one thing in common, they were all men, who went away making things of destruction. Coming generations took the lives of crores of people by running it.

Would you also believe that some women are making jewelry from these bullets? Yes; Make up with the stuff of death.

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine does not seem to end. But in this battle another front is open; Where ‘artists’ dominate instead of weapons.

Not only here; Rather, the areas of the world where war has broken out, including Afghanistan, Somalia, Armenia-Azerbaijan; Along with war, art is also being done with the weapons used there.

Now the question must be arising in your mind that from where and why does the idea of ​​making art from weapons on the battlefield come from? Where did it start to make it and what is the thinking of its creator?

However, simply put, art made with weapons during war is called ‘trench art’.

How effective is this art in the present day; To know this, first let’s read some short stories…

In 2014, Russia annexed the Ukrainian territory of Crimea by attacking it. After which a Ukrainian artist made a picture of Russian President Putin from 5000 cartridges. This picture showing the warlike passion of Putin caught the attention of the whole world. After which Western countries and the UN imposed many types of sanctions on Russia.

At the same time, after the Taliban occupation of Afghanistan, the freedom of women there has been snatched once again. The Taliban and their guns are shadowed at every step. In such a situation, to show the mirror to the Taliban, the women there are making earrings, rings and earrings from the cells of bullets and bombs.

The story of these women was published by the British newspaper ‘The Sunday Times’. After which the demand for the products of these women making jewelry from bullets started all over the world. Even outspoken opponents of war and weapons want to decorate art pieces made of bullets in their drawing rooms.

To know about trench art, now let us turn the pages of history.

When the First World War was going on. Their governments were sending youth from all over the world to the fronts. Among them were poets, artists and teachers.

When these artists reached the battlefield thousands of kilometers away from their home, which was completely opposite to their mood, then in order to keep the art inside them alive, they started giving artistic form to things like war vests, empty cartridges, bomb shells. did.

Not only this, he designed this war west to jewelery. From this another new art was born which was called ‘Trench Art’.

Actually, these soldiers were forcefully thrown into the war. They did not want to take anyone’s life. In such a situation, he took out his anger by making artefacts of bullets and bombs.

Trench art is the art of decorating with weapons

Trench art means giving an artistic look to the things used in war. For a long time this art has been used to mirror the war passion.

Although artefacts from war materials have been made for hundreds of years, the term ‘trench art’ was first used in World War I. In the spare time on the battle front, the soldiers made art with bullets, swords and guns.

Some sent these artifacts as gifts to their wives and sweethearts. After which ‘trench art’ became popular all over the world.

This 2500 year old art on Naam Naya

The world’s first ‘trench art’ is about 2500 years old. Two and a half thousand years ago there was a war between Greece (Greece) and Persia (Iran). The Greeks won in this war. After which the entire Persian Empire was occupied by Greece. In the joy of this victory, the Greek soldiers melted their defense and made a snake-like pillar.

This pillar of about 21 feet still stands outside a museum in Istanbul, the capital of Turkey. Every year millions of people come to see it.

Napoleon’s soldiers used to make jewelery like lockets, crosses from bones present in non-veg soup and sell them to British soldiers

At the end of the 18th century, when the French ruler Napoleon was fighting Britain; Many of his soldiers were made prisoners of war. But the artistry was in the blood of the French people.

The prisoners of war began to carve out the bones found in the soup and give it a beautiful appearance. Lockets, crosses, small knives and crowns made from these bones were very much liked by the British soldiers.

Later Napoleon’s soldiers used to take cigarettes, fine food and clothes from British soldiers in exchange for these figures. In this way, with the help of ‘trench art’, soldiers of war used to find some convenience.

Till now we have told you what is trench art, but now know how this art got its name as trench art.

The meaning of trench is ‘ditch’, in which soldiers take the front by hiding. During World War I many times soldiers had to stay in these trenches for months.

In such a situation, to pass the time, he started making artifacts with his weapons; This is how the term became popular.

If you have seen Sunny Deol’s film ‘Border’, then you must have seen soldiers sitting in trenches in it.

Soldiers making trench art from bomb shells in their spare time during World War I.

Soldiers making trench art from bomb shells in their spare time during World War I.

‘A knife can be a lip and a lip knife in the eyes of the artist’

Nehmat Mongia, who runs a studio to make art from scrap in Delhi, says, ‘It is an artist’s perspective, who sees art in anything.

A normal person would see a knife as a knife. But an artist can create something by looking at it as a lip. This is the reason why an artist does not think of killing someone after seeing bullets and bombs; Rather he thinks of making something beautiful out of it. Seeing which people are happy.

Before seeing the wonderful story of ‘trench art’ scattered around the world and the unique specimens of this art, we know the story of Afghan women who are making jewelry from Taliban bullets…

‘Men kill each other, we make jewelry’

These women, who turn bullets into jewelry, run their workshop in hiding on the outskirts of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. It is an irony, however, that under the Taliban regime, shots are fired openly; And the ornaments are made secretly.

These women put empty cartridges and bomb cells in the furnace and mold them into different shapes and sizes.

According to the Sunday Times report, 43-year-old Laila Hydari, who runs the workshop, says that ‘men kill each other with these bullets; But we women are making beautiful artworks out of it.

Laila Hydari’s own story is also quite painful. She was married off at the age of just 12 to a cleric who was three times her age. After being released from his clutches, Laila decided to do something for women and started training them in underground workshops. Today more than 350 women are learning skills or working in his workshop.

Woman turning bullets into jewelry in Afghanistan.  Photo - The Sunday Times

Woman turning bullets into jewelry in Afghanistan. Photo – The Sunday Times

There are millions of such ‘lailas’ in Afghanistan

In his book ‘A Thousand Spelled Sons’ by Afghan-American author Khalid Hussaini, an Afghan girl named Laila is the main character. Which keeps her dream alive even in the shadow of Taliban.

Incidentally, the main character in this real life story is a woman named Laila. However, apart from these two Lailas, there are millions of Lailas in Afghanistan, who are living their dream even in the shadow of a gun and showing it to the world through ‘trench art’.

By 1996, trench art changed many forms, now we introduce you to the new trend, whose specimens can be seen even by today’s generation.

After the end of the war, Afghans had grown flowers in missiles

Between 1996 and 2001 also, Afghanistan was occupied by the Taliban. But when the Democratic government was formed there after removing the Taliban with the help of America, the Afghans tired of the war resorted to trench art.

They started growing flowers in the shells and pieces of Taliban missiles as pots. He used to keep these pots outside his house and on the terraces. Afghan-American author Khalid Hussaini has called these flowers ‘rocket flowers’ in his book ‘A Thousand Spelled Sons’ on the Afghan war.

Pakistani bombs are decorated in the temple of Rajasthan

Tanot Mata Temple is a famous temple in the desert area of ​​Rajasthan Barmer. More than 400 dangerous live bombs of Pakistan have been kept in this temple. Tourists come here from far and wide to see them.

In fact, during the Indo-Pak war in 1965, the Pakistani army dropped more than 450 bombs on this temple. But surprisingly, none of these 450 dangerous bombs dropped on the temple exploded. The local people considered it a miracle of Tanot Mata. After which these bombs were properly punished in the temple.

Ukrainian citizen pulled the tank from his tractor

There is no dearth of trench art lovers in the world. In the early stages of the Russo-Ukraine war, Ukrainian troops won an area. After which the Russian soldiers fled from that area leaving their belongings. Among them was a tank.

A Ukrainian citizen dragged the tank with a tractor and took it to his home. Later he told that he wanted to decorate this Russian army tank on his doorstep.

There was a ruckus in JNU over ‘trench art’

It is not that people always look at ‘trench art’ with a good eye. Many believe that such display of weapons promotes the idea of ​​war. A similar controversy had surfaced in JNU a few years back.

Actually, the university administration wanted to keep an old tank of the Indian Army in the campus. But the students strongly opposed it. After which the plan was shelved.

This Jesus of tablets was made in 1915 by a Christian soldier of a religious nature during the First World War.  Photo - World War Museum

This Jesus of tablets was made in 1915 by a Christian soldier of a religious nature during the First World War. Photo – World War Museum

Rocket to drink glass and jesus are made

There is a business of hundreds of crores of trench art around the world. People like to have it in their drawing room. In trench art, everything from a rocket shell to a drink glass to a cross-mounted Jesus is created. Beautiful bowls are made from grenade cells and airplanes are made from fragments of missiles. A sitar-like musical instrument has also been made by adding strings to the gun.

Trench Art Museum is built in Britain, millions of people come

Every ‘trench art’ tells a story

Trench art is also an important way to know history. Each trench art is a story in itself.

Whatever the soldiers wrote on 'trench art';  All that has become a part of history today.  This jug was made by a British army engineer from the shell of the bomb.  Photo - World War Museum

Whatever the soldiers wrote on ‘trench art’; All that has become a part of history today. This jug was made by a British army engineer from the shell of the bomb. Photo – World War Museum

Talking about trench art, we read an interesting poem on the go. Viren Dangwal, a famous Hindi poet, wrote this poem after seeing a cannon of the 1857 revolution kept at the Companybagh crossroads of Kanpur.


at the mouth of the company garden

This 1857 cannon has been kept on hold

it takes great care


like company garden

It is shined twice a year

Many tourists come to Company Bagh in the morning and evening.

tells them this cannon

that I am very

I had blown


in his time

now however

If it’s far from riding little boys

so sit on top of it

It is only the birds that gossip

Sometimes in the wickedness they get inside it too

sparrows in particular

They tell that no matter how big the cannon really is

One day there has to be his mouth shut!

Graphics: Prerna Jha

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