It’s not over yet, but the end of the corona pandemic is finally in sight: WHO

There has never been a better time to end the coronavirus pandemic. Tedros Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization (WHO), commented like this. According to him, the end point has not been reached yet. But the end point is in sight.

The head of the world’s highest health institution claimed on Wednesday that millions of people have died since the coronavirus was identified at the end of 2019. But last week that number fell to a level that is the lowest since March 2020. “I’ve never been in a better place to end a pandemic,” Ghebreyesus said. We haven’t reached the end point yet. But the end point has been seen.’

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According to WHO statistics, the number of coronavirus cases worldwide fell by 28 percent to 3.1 million in the week ending September 11. The number of corona cases fell by 12 percent in the week ending September 4. In that situation, the head of the World Health Organization appealed to the people of the world to take advantage of the opportunity that has come to end the corona epidemic. “If we don’t take that chance now, we risk more variants, more deaths, more danger and more uncertainty,” he said.

Corona picture of the world

According to statistics from James Hopkins University, the total number of corona infected in the world is 610,092,482. 6,519,032 people died. Although actually the total number of corona infected and the total number of dead have been claimed by many quarters. According to a research paper published by Hua in May this year, it is estimated that 17 million people died of corona in the world between 2020 and 2021, based on the way deaths in different countries increased during the pandemic. That is, there are complaints from many quarters that a lot of information has been concealed.

Read more: Covid-19 Death: Still one person dies every 44 seconds from Covid, says WHO

Corona image of India

The total number of corona infected in India is 4,45,07,471. The number of active cases is 43,163. A total of 5,28,216 people have died. A total of 4,39,36,092 people have been discharged from the hospital.