4 cases of monkeypox in the country: After Kerala, the patient was also found in Delhi, but he has no international travel history

New Delhi3 minutes ago

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After the corona virus in India, now the threat of monkeypox has started. After Kerala, now a new case of monkeypox has been found in the capital Delhi. So far 3 new cases have come in Kerala. The health department has started investigation. According to the report, the patient who has been infected with monkeypox in Delhi does not have any foreign travel history.

According to the health department, the patient is around 31 years old and has been admitted to Maulana Azad Medical College. Here, the government has approved 16 labs to test for monkeypox, out of which 2 are in Kerala.

Around 17 thousand cases of monkeypox in the world
According to data from Monkeypoxmeter.com, 16,886 patients have been confirmed in 80 countries including India. Of these, Europe has the highest number of 11,985 people who have been affected by monkeypox. At the same time, the top 10 countries affected by the disease include Britain, Spain, America, Germany, France, Portugal, Canada, Netherlands, Italy and Belgium. Monkeypox has killed three people this year.

WHO declared health emergency
WHO has declared a worldwide health emergency due to monkeypox. The WHO said that this disease spreads through skin-to-skin contact with the patient or by feeding him food. Apart from this, monkeypox can also be spread by touching the clothes, utensils and bedding of an infected person.

Monkeypox found in children for the first time in America
Here, for the first time in America, this infection has been found in two children. According to the health agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one child is from California, while the other child is a newborn and not a resident of the US. Health officials say that the condition of both the children is stable. For treatment, he has been given the antiviral drug Tecovirimat.

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