Comrade Self is a role model for the new generation. Late Inderjit Gupta and NC Rai Choudhary – Rail Hunt

  • 40 units of blood donation in memory of former President / Secretary General of South Eastern Railway Men’s Union

Tarkesh Kumar Ojha Kharagpur

In mainstream and trade union politics, comrades Late Inderjit Gupta and NC Rai Choudhary are the role models of the new generation. Because these two leaders, who played an important role in the historic railway strike, lived a simple life for life. The new generation can learn a lot from them. On the initiative of Inderjit Gupta Welfare Society, the speakers said this in a blood donation camp organized on the death anniversary of Com. NC Roy Choudhury at Rabindra Institute, Golbazar, Kharagpur. On this occasion, cash 2000 and text material were presented to the meritorious students.

Dignitaries present on the occasion included MS Hussain, Biplab Bhatt, Devashish Choudhary, Vasudev Ghosh, Atanu Das, Prabir Gupta, Ayub Ali, Vasudev Banerjee, Krishna Rao, Arup Bhat, Sanjeev Das, Superintendent of Kharagpur Department of Hospital Dr. Uttam Mandi, Asit Several members of the family of Kumar Panja and late NC Roychowdhury were present. Eminent trade union leader and former President and General Secretary of South Eastern Railway Men’s Union Late N. A total of 40 units of blood were donated in this camp organized in the memory of C Rai Chaudhary. In the camp, there was a discussion about trade union politics of two decades ago and the simple life of the then leaders. At the same time, there was extensive brainstorming on the condition and direction of the current activities.