The son accused of the PUBG murder also destroyed the evidence: Directions were getting on WhatsApp; Police found chat and call log deleted

Lucknow4 minutes agoAuthor: Sunil Kumar Mishra

In the alleged PUBG murder case in Lucknow, the accused son also destroyed the evidence. After the murder, the son deleted the call details, chat and other details of mother Sadhna Singh’s mobile. The special thing is that this effort was not to save himself, but to save the family member who indicated the murder in this case. This was also because it was the only way the police could reach that family member.

On the night of 7 June, along with taking out Sadhna’s body from the house, her mobile was also seized by the police. It was hoped that the mobile would help in reaching the reality of the case. After the phone was unlocked, the police found the details missing.

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Son’s mobile is not recharged, used to talk to mother’s phone
The 16-year-old son and the mastermind of the incident attempted to walk a step ahead of the police. According to the son’s statement, on the late night of June 4, he had killed mother Sadhna. The mobile on which the family member involved in the incident was giving direction to him belonged to Sadhna. The police have got information that the minor son had a mobile. It was not recharged since a month ago.

There is also a story that after the mother’s secret was revealed, the son’s mobile was snatched. After that the son was contacting the family member from his mother’s mobile. It is feared that the family member who had hatched the conspiracy to kill Sadhna was talking to the accused son on a WhatsApp call. He knew that the details of this call could not be found. However, when the phone is in hand, it can be detected in the call log of WhatsApp. Therefore, at his behest, the son deleted the entire data from morning till night that day.

In the report of the counseling team, many important revelations have been made on the basis of the statement of the son accused of killing the mother.

Read this: PUBG massacre saw the eyes of a 10-year-old daughter: When she went to the room, the mother was sobbing, wanted to hug when the brother came

On June 4, a very small number was talked about in the CDR of the mobile.
After killing the son, all the call details of Sadhna’s mobile were deleted from the morning of June 4 till late at 3 pm. It was noted that chats and video calls were also removed. At the same time, according to the police, in the call detail report (CDR) of Sadhna too, very few numbers were discussed on June 4. Most of the numbers that have been talked about are of family members. That is, on whose behest the son had carried out the incident, he was also giving the direction to destroy the evidence.

Claiming to be punished first, now the father is lobbying for release
After the incident, Sadhna’s husband Naveen had said that he wanted the son to remain in jail for the rest of his life, but only after lighting the pyre of his wife, he started trying to save the son. He also talked to a social worker and BJP leader from a nearby colony to get the son’s early bail, but the leader refused to plead for the release of the son accused of killing the mother. After this Naveen contacted many big lawyers.

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