Eat 3KG rice-4KG flour roti Rafiq of Bihar: One wife could not cook, so married another; 200 kg weight

Katihar6 minutes ago

Mohammad Rafique Adnan, 30, of Jaynagar, Katihar. Their weight is 200 kg. Common bikes are unable to lift their weight, so they go with bullets. But she also gasps as if. Rafiq eats 3 kg rice, 4 kg flour roti, 2 kg meat, 1.5 kg fish every day. They also require one liter of milk at three times. That is, the daily dose is 14-15 kg by mixing food and drink.

They also have trouble walking because of their weight. People make fun of him too. A wife could not cook properly for him. Due to obesity, their children are also not able to have children. Due to this, Rafiq got married for the second time. Because of his diet, people are also afraid to invite him for weddings and other events.

Rafiq is 30 years old. His weight is 200 kg.

can’t walk
Rafiq told that he cannot walk. If you walk some distance, you gasp. Bullets also cause problems due to weight. According to Rafiq, he has been like this since childhood. Earlier walking was not a problem, but now it is.

Rafiq’s neighbor Suleman told that he eats the whole food. Only a little survives. The weight has increased now. Because of this, the bullet also gets stuck occasionally. So on the way people have to be asked to push. Rafiq is a prosperous farmer, due to which he does not face any problem in eating and drinking.

Dr. Mrinal Ranjan of Sadar Hospital told that Rafiq has a disease named Bulimia Nervosa. In this disease people start eating more. It is important to start its treatment in time. Otherwise the life of the patient may also be lost.

Bulimia nervosa is caused by overeating
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is serious and life-threatening. In this disease, a person becomes a victim of eating uncontrolled food. Experts say that people suffering from bulimia nervosa are always found to eat food and in such a situation they eat too much food and then start exercising due to fear of obesity.

In this disease, a person becomes a victim of eating uncontrolled food.

In this disease, a person becomes a victim of eating uncontrolled food.

Experts say that there are many different types of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, orthorexia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Experts say that anorexia is a mental condition, due to which sufferers become very serious about their weight and in such a situation they resort to more dieting and exercise. Such people think that if they eat food, they will become fat. Due to this, they start taking irregular and low doses, which has a bad effect on their health.

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