Pro-Abortion Rights Activist Approaches Biden’s Convoy, Secret Service Agent Takes Her Down

A US Secret Service agent, who was part of US president Joe Biden’s security deal, tackled an pro-abortion rights protester to the ground on Wednesday as she approached the US president’s convoy with a megaphone.

The incident happened in Los Angeles in California where US president Biden was attending the Summit Of The Americas – where more than two dozen leaders from Latin America discussed issues like migration and the economic recovery with Biden.

It was unclear what the woman was shouting but once she was tackled, she resisted arrest and shouted at the officers trying to cuff her.

Some of the things she said during the scuffle with the agent were laced with profanities.

She, however, said that a ban will only end ‘safe abortions’.

“Get the f*** off me! An abortion ban will not stop abortions – only safe ones,” she said.

The identity of the woman is still not known.

The video which has gone viral shows the woman getting very close to the convoy and blaring into a megaphone, when a secret service agent appears from her left and takes her down with a body tackle.

In the next few seconds, the officer could be seen trying to handcuff the woman while other officers surrounded the area near the pavement.

In the scuffle, the agent’s gun holder, hat and earphones fell off. No women officers were seen in the area. People were heard urging the cops to let the woman go.

“As the woman approached passing vehicles, a United States Secret Service agent swiftly removed her from the roadway and placed her into custody. There was no impact to the motorcade movement or our protectees. Our investigation into this incident is ongoing,” Secret Service communications chief Anthony Guglielmi said in a statement.

Tensions are high in the United States after a leaked draft penned by US Supreme Court judge Samuel Alito surfaced last month which showed that the top court in the nation seemed ready to overturn Roe v Wade, the landmark 1973 decision making abortion legal across the US. Biden and a sizeable portion of Democrats are pro-choice.

“I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental, Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned,” Biden said.

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