Indian delegation’s visit to Afghanistan: taking care of investment of 22 thousand crores, India will also surround Pakistan

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  • Indian Delegation’s Visit To Afghanistan Will Take Information About Investment Of 22 Thousand Crores

New Delhi/Kabul4 hours ago

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The first visit of India’s high-level delegation to Taliban-ruled Afghanistan will prove to be a masterstroke in South Asian politics in many ways. During the last 20 years, India had invested about 22 thousand crore rupees in Afghanistan. It involved many projects. More than 5 thousand Indians were working there in these projects.

In August 2021, India closed its embassy in Kabul after the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Now the Indian government has adopted the diplomacy of sending food grains and medicines on humanitarian basis to enhance relations with the Taliban government. Another aspect of this visit is to reduce the influence of Pakistan in Afghanistan. Anti-India Haqqani faction

The Taliban government is weakening. Taking advantage of this opportunity, India is taking care of its investment and is also surrounding Pakistan with geopolitics.

More than 400 projects in 34 Afghan provinces with the help of India

  • The Afghan Parliament ‘Mili Shura’ was constructed by India at a cost of Rs 670 crore, here a room is named after Vajpayee.
  • 42 MW Salma Dam built, this will supply electricity to the entire Herat province
  • BRO built 218 km long Zaranj-Delaram highway from Rs 1,113 crore

America-West countries are also planning to increase penetration, India’s big bet
The US and Western countries may be claiming to boycott the Taliban government, but they are providing aid to the Afghan government on humanitarian grounds through Germany and Japan. The UAE is also operating the Kabul airport. In such a situation, India has also played a big bet.

There are positive signs for India that the present Taliban government has declared zero support to terrorism in Kashmir. At the same time, Tehreek-e-Taliban is opening a front against the Pak Army.

Taliban against the cordon on the Durand Line along the Pak-Afghan border
There is still a good chance for India to increase its presence in Afghanistan because Pakistan wants to barricade the Durand Line with Afghanistan, but the Taliban and Pashtun people are against it. The Taliban government does not give status to the Durand Line built during the British Raj. In such a situation, the attitude of the Taliban government of Afghanistan towards Pakistan is now visible. India has taken steps to increase its presence in Afghanistan at the right time.

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