Watch: In China, Classmates Rescue Specially-Abled Student During Earthquake

While we often complain of the world becoming increasingly selfish and insensitive in recent times, we do sometimes come across instances — from time to time — that reassure us that humanity still exists. A recent video that has gone viral has reiterated the sentiment. While the majority of people are most likely to run for cover and put their own lives first during a natural calamity, a heartwarming video of a group of students helping a differently abled classmate evacuate the premises during an earthquake is winning hearts.

Shimian County in China’s Sichuan province was hit by a 4.8 magnitude earthquake last week on May 20. Footage of a class full of students evacuating as the earthquake struck is now going viral on social media. Students quickly cover their heads with notebooks or their hands and exit the classroom. However, a student in a wheelchair in the rear of the classroom remained still until his peers moved his wheelchair to safety. This 30-second video was shared on Twitter by former Norwegian diplomat Erik Solheim on Wednesday.

A closer look at the footage reveals that the first kid to assist the differently-abled student was in the front row. Instead of leaving the classroom, the boy goes to assist his classmate. Three more students are seen clearing the desks blocking their path to the exit, while a teacher stands by the door, urging everyone to hurry out of the school.

The video has more than 35,000 views and social media users were quick to point out the students’ quick thinking and a great example of humanity towards their classmate.

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