Victorian rapist Andrew Males jailed for 25 years as victim labels him ‘son of Satan’ – Henry Club

A man dubbed the ‘son of Satan’ has been locked up for 25 years after carrying out some of the worst violent acts and sexual abuse on women ever seen in Victoria.

Andrew Males, 43, was jailed on Thursday over horrifying attacks on four women in Melbourne,

The women he preyed on were vulnerable, some homeless or young single mothers, before they were brutally beaten and raped.

One teenager was forcibly held in a bungalow at the back of Males’ home where he abused her for weeks, while another woman was raped in his mum’s dining room, The Age reported.

His trial heard the horrific abuse he inflicted on women, including choking one, raping another while she was unconscious and beating a third with a hammer.

Andrew Males, 43, was jailed on Thursday over horrifying attacks on four women in Melbourne including raping and violently beating them

The County Court heard there were no other examples of sexual violence ever recorded like the ones Males carried out.

His reign of terror on women in Melbourne spanned two decades and came to an end when he was finally arrested in 2015.

Males befriended his female victims, building relationships with them before unleashing and abusing them.

After two separate trials last year, Males was found guilty of 24 charges against the four women, including nine counts of rape and 10 counts of intentionally causing injury.

Males has spent the majority of his adult life in and out of jail due to violence, weapons and robbery offenses.

He was previously jailed in 2016 for two years over the vicious assault of another woman, which left her with a fractured nose and ribs.

Males was also on bail and parole for other offenses when he assaulted the four victims.

During his sentencing, the 43-year-old shouted abuse at his victims as they testified against him but his words were muffled by the glass barrier.

Males showed no remorse and was found to be in the highest risk category of reoffending.

He was sentenced to 25-and-a-half-years behind bars and will be on the sex offenders register for life.

Males will be eligible for parole after serving 20 years and ten months.

One victim said she hoped ‘things would get better’ with Males.

‘But I think I always knew there was evil in him. He’s like the son of Satan,’ the victim said.