Mitch McConnell tears into Biden for saying gas prices are going through an ‘incredible transition’ – Henry Club

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell accused President Joe Biden of waging ‘war’ on fossil fuels

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell tore into President Joe Biden on Thursday for characterizing the gas price crisis as an ‘incredible transition’ for the nation and the world.

The Kentucky Republican legislator was speaking on the Senate floor on the same day the nationwide average gas price hit a new high of $4.60 – just before roughly 39 million Americans gear up to travel for an extended holiday weekend.

For his argument McConnell cited a recent analysis that shows American families are now spending an average $5,000 per year on gas.

That’s compared to $2,800 the previous year and $3,800 just this past March, according to Yardeni Research.

‘Nationwide, gas prices have risen 46.9 cents just in the last month. And in Kentucky they’ve risen, actually, even faster,’ McConnell claimed.

‘According to President Biden, it’s all part of what he calls a quote, “incredible transition.” Well, that’s a heck of a way to describe his administration’s war on the most affordable, reliable, abundant forms of energy in our country,’ the Senate GOP leader said.

He quoted a resident of his state who said, ‘I’m getting taken full advantage of.’

McConnell said another claimed ‘It costs so much to fill up, I have to do half a tank at a time now.’

Biden discussed the energy supply chain crisis during a press conference in Japan on Monday.

Seemingly referring to the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had on gas prices across the world, Biden said: ‘Here’s the situation. And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place.’

‘God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,’ the president said.

‘You see what Europe is doing relative to the importation of Russian gas.’

He said his administration had been able to ‘keep it from getting worse – and it’s bad’ before commiserating with working families about the stinging high cost.

‘The price of gas at the pump is something that I told you – you heard me say before – it would be a matter of great discussion at my kitchen table when I was a kid growing up. It’s affecting a lot of families,’ he said.

A cornerstone of Biden’s response to surging prices at the pump has been to accelerate the nation’s transition to green energy and electric vehicles, which White House officials have argued is a more lasting solution to volatility in the fossil fuel market.

But on Thursday, McConnell said the plan was ‘forcing fuel prices so high that it requires Americans to transition to more expensive cars with supply chains controlled primarily by China and other hostile regimes, and lower labor and environmental standards.’

‘Some idea of ​​”incredible”,’ he chuckled.

Gas prices are hitting record highs as three million more people prepare to travel for Memorial Day weekend than last year, according to AAA

Inflation hit a four-decade high in March, falling slighting in April to a still massive high of 8.3 percent

Of the upcoming holiday, McConnell went on: ‘Depending on where you’re trying to go higher fuel costs are hurting Americans ability to enjoy major summer traditions.’

‘Of course, millions of Americans are having a hard enough time paying for basic expenses, let alone planning summer vacations,’ he added.

Meanwhile, roughly 3 million more people are expected to travel this Memorial Day weekend than last year’s, according to the American Automobile Association’s annual forecast.

It’s still lower than the 37.6 million travelers recorded in 2019, before the pandemic.

Nearly 35 million people are expected to travel by car, a 4.6 percent increase from 2021 – even as the average gas price exceeds $6 per gallon in parts of the country hardest-hit by the crisis.

Costs are rising in nearly every facet of American life – inflation rose 8.3 percent in April from the previous year, a slight decline from the previous month’s 40-year record high of 8.5 percent, but nearly double the 4.2 percent increase that occurred in April 2021 while the world was in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

‘The Consumer Price Index continues to hover at levels our economy hasn’t seen in four decades,’ McConnell said on Thursday.

‘As we head into Memorial Day weekend, the American people have become reluctant experts in its painful, real-life effects.’