Today’s History: April Fool’s making started in France 440 years ago, its trend reached from the cultivation of noodles to Bollywood songs

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  • April Fool’s Production Started In France 440 Years Ago, Its Trend Spread From The Cultivation Of Noodles To Bollywood Songs

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April Fool’s Day is celebrated every year on 1 April. When it started is a mystery. People play pranks on each other and in the end say ‘April Fool Banaya’ and tell themselves that it was a prank. Many brands and media are also not behind in taking April Fools to the masses. In India, in 1964, a film has been made under the name April Fool, whose song ‘April Fool Banaya, Unko Gussa Aaya’ is still remembered a lot on the first of April.

According to some historians, April Fools started in 1582. The Gregorian calendar was adopted in France in place of the Julian calendar. Like the Hindu New Year in the Julian calendar, the year began in late March or early April. That is, around April 1.

Gregorian calendar i.e. January to December. Those who got the information about the change of calendar late, they kept celebrating the new year from the last week of March till 1st April and because of this a lot of jokes were made on them. He was made fun of. They were called April Fools. Put the fish made of paper behind them. It was called the Poisson Deverill (April Fish). It was a fish that easily became prey. In such a situation, a mockery of those people would be made, who would easily become a victim of mischief.

Historians also associate April Fools with hilaria (the Latin word for joy). It was celebrated by the people of the Sibel community in ancient Rome at the end of March. In this, people would disguise themselves and make fun of each other and even the magistrate. It is associated with ancient Egyptian tales. Some also say that April Fools is associated with the vernal equinox or the arrival of spring. Nature fools people with the changing seasons.

April Fools arrived in Britain in the 18th century. In Scotland it became a two-day tradition. It began with ‘hunting the gawk’ (hunting a fool), which involved sending people a picture of a bird thought to be a symbol of a fool. The second day was Telly Day, when people were ridiculed by pasting signs such as tails or ‘kick me’.

As times changed, April Fools became popular in the media as well. In 1957 the BBC reported that Swiss farmers had grown a crop of noodles. On this, thousands of people called the BBC and inquired about the farmers and the crop. In 1996, the fast-food restaurant chain Taco Bell fooled people by saying that it had bought Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell and renamed it Taco Liberty Bell. Google also did not lag behind. From telepathic search to playing Pacman on Google Maps, it has fooled users by making announcements.

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne created Apple
This is not April Fool’s at all, but completely true. Apple was founded on 1 April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Since then this company has emerged as a multinational company. Its most popular products include iPhone, iPad, MacBook. Last year, the valuation of Apple Inc. was $ 2 trillion, i.e. 146 lakh crore.

Netherlands becomes first country to allow same-sex marriage
On this day in 2001, the Netherlands became the first country to allow same-sex marriage. According to the Pew Research Center, today same-sex marriage is allowed in 29 countries of the world. Apart from the Netherlands, other countries including New Zealand, UK, America are included. Gay marriage is not legal in India.

The major events that happened on April 1 in the country and the world are as follows
India started the census. It lasted a year. During this the process of making Aadhar card started.

1976: Doordarshan Corporation was established by separating Doordarshan from All India Radio.

1969: India’s first nuclear power station started in Tarapur area of ​​Maharashtra.

1936: Odisha was carved out of Bihar as a new state.

1935Reserve Bank of India started functioning. For this, the British made the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 law.

1933Indian Air Force was established in Karachi, Pakistan.

1930: In the country, the minimum age for marriage for girls was fourteen and that for boys was eighteen.

1924Adolf Hitler was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for participating in the Beer Hall Revolution, but he remained in prison for only 9 months.

1912: Delhi was declared the capital of India and a province.

1891Telephone connectivity started between Paris, the capital of France, and London, the capital of Britain.

1839: Kolkata Medical College and Hospital was started.

1793In Japan, about 53 thousand people died due to the eruption of a volcano named ‘Unsen’.

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