15 light combat helicopter purchase clearance matched, find out its power!

The Cabinet Committee on Security on Wednesday gave the green signal for the purchase of 15 light combat helicopters. These will be purchased for the Army and Air Force. These will be purchased from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. It will cost Tk 3.8 crore. The Ministry of Defense said. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister himself is at the head of this cabinet committee. However, this time the helicopter will be bought from domestic companies and not from abroad.

According to sources, the Army and Air Force need at least 160 of these helicopters. Of these, 15 purchase clearances have been matched. Of these, 10 are for the Indian Air Force. Will be in the hands of 5 soldiers. Meanwhile, the country has already banned the import of 209 weapons from abroad. It also includes a light combat helicopter.

Former Air Vice Marshal Manomohan Bahadur gave an idea about this light combat helicopter. He said it was designed to travel in mountainous areas and high latitudes. At an altitude of about 15,000 feet, it can deliver weapons. On the other hand, according to informed sources, the dependence on foreign equipment for military equipment is decreasing. Meanwhile, this light combat helicopter has a pair of light combat helicopters to blow up enemy bases, target aircraft, blow up enemy bunkers in the mountains, assist troops in jungle areas, urban areas.